VP's National Security Adviser Stepping Down

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Daily Caller]

    The Facts

    • Kamala Harris' National Security Adviser, Nancy McEldowney, is stepping down to reportedly focus on pressing personal matters.

    • Philip Gordon, who currently serves as special assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser to the vice president, will succeed McEldowney.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    This is another example of Harris' reported bullying of staff and the turmoil of the White House. Nancy McEldowney's exit follows on the heels of Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh and Head Speech Writer Kate Childs Graham, marking the tenth departure under Harris. After so many resignations, it seems the problem may not be the staffers but the VP herself.

    Democratic narrative

    Nancy McEldowney is leaving for personal reasons. She was a valued member of the administration's national security team. Her work made a positive difference, and she will be missed. Phil Gordon will be a worthy adviser to help Harris as the VP takes on an increasingly significant role in the Biden response to the invasion of Ukraine.

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