Biden Awards $7B for Clean Hydrogen Hubs

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The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The Biden administration's plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050 includes hydrogen as a promising tool to fight climate change. In theory, hydrogen could be the solution to produce steel, cement, chemicals, and fertilizer without emitting greenhouse gases. It could also be used to power trucks, ships, or airplanes or to produce electricity. Biden is planting the seed of making hydrogen the power of tomorrow.

Establishment-critical narrative

The Biden administration wants the US to believe that hydrogen fuel is a promising new source of renewable energy. However, when leaked into the atmosphere, hydrogen has a greenhouse gas effect five times more potent than CO2. Equally as important, at a time when we need to quickly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, a large portion of this project will rely on natural gas.

Metaculus Prediction

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