Joe Biden waited for too long to address the Hamas terror attack on Israel. While the White House has made some statements acknowledging the tragedy, Biden hasn’t shown the strength required from a US president following an event like this. Americans taken hostage in Israel are waiting for a leader that will bring them home safely, yet Biden is waffling to appease the rabid anti-Israel wing of his party. His weakness is now clearer than ever.
Leave it to the GOP and right-wing media to make Pres. Biden the focal point of a tragedy overseas. While a thousand civilians, including 14 Americans, lost their lives — with many more taken hostage — Republicans are using the attack on Israel to promote their warped idea of “strength.” Focus should be on the victims in both Israel and Palestine, while the GOP must be reminded that the Middle East became destabilized under Republican administrations that initiated the Iraq war and ignored the plight of Palestinians.