Canada Launches Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference

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    The Facts

    • The Canadian government announced Thursday the launch of a public inquiry into foreign interference in the past two federal elections. This sets the stage for the next chapter of a years-long dispute over how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has handled the issue.

    • Justice Marie-Josée Hogue, from the Quebec Court of Appeal, has been named to lead the inquiry, which will look into potential interference from China, Russia and other foreign and non-state actors.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Trudeau has been obfuscating his authoritarian tendencies, doing everything he could to prevent a public inquiry even at the expense of faith and confidence in the Canadian democratic system. This move has only been made possible due to intense pressure from Conservatives as they fight to deliver real answers to Canadians.

    Left narrative

    Trudeau was right to carefully choose how to react to PRC actions because fueling a new Cold War would be a catastrophic geopolitical mistake. It's certain that Beijing seeks to shape reality in its own interests — as every great power does — but allegations of Chinese interference are mainly about suppressing dissent on its own soil, not installing a pro-Chinese government in Canada.

    Metaculus Prediction

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