Clarence Thomas Discloses Trips Paid by GOP Donor

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The Facts

  • In a delayed financial disclosure, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas documented that he accepted three trips involving private flights paid for by Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.

  • The trips funded by the GOP mega-donor included a visit to an American Enterprise Institute event in Dallas, a trip to a Crow property in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, and an additional trip to Texas in February all via a private jet.

  • In addition to new disclosures, the financial report amended previous disclosures to include a real estate transaction between Justice Thomas and Crow in 2014. A lawyer for the Justice said there had been no willful wrongdoing by the Justice and that errors in reporting were "strictly inadvertent."

The Spin

Republican narrative

Democrats have relentlessly pursued the destruction of Justice Clarence Thomas' reputation. Questioning his ethics is just their latest attempt to display their hatred for who he is. Democrats strongly believe that a Black man should not be a conservative and disagree with the outlandish demands of their party. As long as he remains true to his beliefs, he will continue to the be subject of their unabashed attacks.

Democratic narrative

The recent reporting by ProPublica and now the financial disclosure clearly signal that it's time for an investigation into Justice Clarence Thomas and his unethical behavior. The Judicial Conference should complete a review and quickly refer this matter to the Justice Department. Justice Thomas continues to insult the intelligence of the public by saying he "accidentally" omitted critical information or believed it to be unnecessary for reporting. A full investigation by the Dept. of Justice is warranted.

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