Google Expands AI Bot to Gmail, GDrive, and YouTube

    Image copyright: Unsplash

    The Facts

    • As competition with Microsoft-backed OpenAI intensifies, Google announced Tuesday that it will integrate its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, known as Bard, into products such as Gmail, YouTube, and Drive. Users will be able to collaborate with the chatbot through "Bard Extensions."

    • The company says it will incorporate Google Flights, Hotels, and Maps into its AI system to make it function like more of a personal assistant.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Following extensive programming and security checks, it seems Google is ready to safely implement its AI chatbot into all of its major products. With these extensions, users will have a highly intelligent personal assistant at their fingertips, whether it be to write the perfect work email, plan a fun vacation, or chat in their native language.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    AI systems with abilities exceeding the limits of human capacity are on the horizon. Governments must step in to stop the dangerous AI development race between big tech companies. If done at the right pace and with the right regulation, AI could offer unprecedented solutions to humanity, but it could also destroy us unless we intervene now.

    Metaculus Prediction

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