Greta Thunberg is a spoiled individual, artificially lifted to global prominence as a 15-year-old with no real expertise on climate change or the environment. The powerful forces that used her to push their radical climate agenda created a monster, as Thunberg has continued to act like a petulant child. Her 15 minutes of fame should be up, yet she is continuing to disobey police orders. Thunberg is now an adult and should try advancing her message like a mature citizen.
The powers that be are trying to intimidate young climate activists like Greta Thunberg by threatening legal action and imposing fines. Like any fight for justice, the movement for environmental protection will not always comply with the oppressive establishment. Young people know their future is at stake and are taking appropriate measures to draw attention to the climate crisis. Governments must pay attention to the severity of the situation rather than criminalize protests.