Hunter Biden Strikes Plea Deal on Tax, Gun Charges

    Hunter Biden Strikes Plea Deal on Tax, Gun Charges
    Image copyright: Wikimedia Commons

    The Facts

    • According to US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) court filings on Tuesday, Hunter Biden has agreed to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors and has struck a deal to resolve a felony gun charge as part of a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.

    • The deal ends a five-year DOJ investigation into Pres. Joe Biden's son over whether or not his income was properly reported on his tax returns and if false statements were made on paperwork to purchase a gun. In 2017 and 2018, Hunter Biden failed to pay more than $100K in taxes, and was in possession of a gun while a drug user in 2018.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    Hunter Biden has once again gotten a pass for flouting the laws of the land, but his legal travails seem far from over. Biden got a sweetheart deal for charges that would have landed any other American in jail, which raises concerns over the impartiality of this investigation. Despite the deal, Hunter is far from exonerated, morally or legally, as concerns over his personal conduct and influence peddling continue to mount.

    Democratic narrative

    Hunter Biden was prosecuted by a Trump-appointed attorney for charges that are rarely ever pursued. The GOP has attempted to smear the Biden family for years over Hunter's troubled past, but it doesn't bode well for their other sham investigations if a plea deal is the best they can do. Hunter has taken accountability for his past and is going to pay his debt to society — it's time to move on.

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