It is unlikely that the Iran nuclear deal will ever be revived, and for good reason. Secret meetings with Russian and Chinese officials will do nothing to help build trust amid already tense diplomatic circumstances. However, the US can still work towards global peace by offering good-faith engagement to avoid a nuclear Iran.
A new strategy is needed regarding Iran. Previous efforts have proved unsuccessful, so the US should now work with Europe to agree on a resolute declaration on the issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions, and make clear that military action will be taken against credible threats. Without pushback against Iranian provocation and regional aggression, conflict is almost guaranteed — Washington's tact needs to change to ensure global stability.
Forget about US involvement, China is the only nation that can help bring peace to the Middle East, and the Saudi-Iran deal is proof of this fact. Having already made an unprecedented advancement towards regional stability, China is now best positioned to help resolve the Iran nuclear issue by continuing in its role as the stabilizer in a divided world.