Libya Jails 38 Over Mediterranean Smuggling Case

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The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Though Libya has strengthened its justice system to some degree, in recent years the government hasn't been able to keep up with the growing human trafficking enterprise. Labor and sex slavery have been exploited by corrupt government officials, the military, and private companies while migrant detention centers breed further abuse at the official state level. The global community must step up to help prevent these unacceptable human rights abuses.

Establishment-critical narrative

While the Libyan government doesn't deserve a Nobel Peace Prize, Western institutions are not free of blame here either. Instead of intercepting migrants themselves, the EU outsources migrant handling to Tripoli, which means the EU is funding at least some part of this abuse. By not taking control of the situation, European leaders have allowed migrants to be sold off to depraved labor and sex slave rings. The Western "rules-based order" must take an honest look at its role in the treatment of migrants.

Establishment split



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