Exxon’s Climate Science Was Incredibly Accurate Starting in the 1970s, Study Confirms
TimeMAR 19 2023
While most people had an idea that ExxonMobil knew about the crisis and swept it under the rug, this new study reveals the depth of the oil giant’s complicity. ExxonMobil blatantly lied despite having some of the most accurate climate predictions recorded. Exxon must be held accountable and forced to pay for the irreparable harm it has done to our planet for the sake of profits.
Activist groups and media have been misleading the public for years with their so-called “#ExxonKnew” campaign. Many flawed and false reports have come out trying to delegitimize ExxonMobile and its commitment to counteracting climate change. Nefarious actors are out in full force, and their reports are inaccurate.