Report: Over 150 Died in Custody During El Salvador’s Gang Crackdown

Report: Over 150 Died in Custody During El Salvador’s Gang Crackdown
Image copyright: Handout/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

In contrast with previous administrations, Bukele's crackdown on the country's notorious gangs has been highly successful, putting more than 60K dangerous criminals behind bars and dramatically slashing the murder rate that has plagued the nation for decades. Other nations in Latin America should take note of his wildly successful law and order policies, which have widespread approval with the voting public.

Establishment-critical narrative

Bukele's all-out war on criminal organizations has taken a terrible toll on democracy and human rights. Thousands of innocent people have been arrested on very loose grounds, as the rise in safety comes at the expense of grave human rights abuses. Bukele has consolidated his power to near-dictatorial levels — if he's let off the hook for his abuses, then any politician could be free from scrutiny.

Establishment split



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