Slumping Anheuser-Busch Laying Off Hundreds

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The Spin

Right narrative

Unfortunately, hundreds of innocent workers who had nothing to do with Anheuser-Busch’s attempt to bolster its wokeness are now unemployed, but the company is paying the price for a foolish decision that upset its biggest customers. This is a woke corporate nightmare that seemingly won't end until Anheuser-Busch is gone.

Left narrative

One way Anheuser-Busch could have stopped the bleeding in the face of the right wing’s bigoted boycott would have been to show more support for the LGBTQ+ community. But aside from some feckless words, the company has done nothing to reach out to Mulvaney, who has faced similar backlash since the promotional spot. Anheuser-Busch has managed to offend both ends of the political spectrum, and its revenue is paying the price.

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