This study presents a worrying picture. A warmer world has shifted ecological and landscaping processes in the Arctic, replaced snow with rain, and decreased the thickness of ice sheets. If we don't stop destabilizing the Arctic region with polluting emissions, as well as plan for and adapt to the changing environment, rising sea levels will eventually inundate humanity living along the coastlines.
Climate and environmental disasters have been predicted by modern-day doomsayers for decades. None of the apocalyptic predictions have come true so far; why would this time be any different?
There are multiple methods to keep global warming in check besides slashing emissions including capturing carbon from the Earth's oceans. But even these methods should not be seen as a silver bullet. Before countries start experimenting with the ocean's health, they must consider ecological, environmental, and economic benefits or risks to communities solely dependent on the sea for survival. This is a tricky and messy issue.