These files show the inner workings of the UK health apparatus, which is led by a disturbingly power-hungry group of government officials. While Sweden was proving you could keep restaurants open and still stay safe, Hancock was searching for ways to blind Britons to outside information and force them to cower in their homes at his command. This isn't just about poor public policy, but a case study on how absolute power, coupled with a lack of scrutiny and a good dose of groupthink, can quickly lead to utter corruption and chaos.
While Matt Hancock’s leaked messages are a major news story, he shouldn't be the target of collective outrage. Like governments from all over the world, the UK made mistakes during an unprecedented time of crisis while navigating unchartered territories, and Hancock was at the forefront. More importantly, the so-called 'Lockdown Files' only released a portion of the messages, arousing concern that the narrative has been manipulated to coincide with a rising anti-lockdown agenda.
The Lockdown Files do show the corrupt and incompetent nature of the government, but no one should actually be surprised that their politicians lied to them to gain power. What this boils down to is that an amoral politician unthinkingly gave his phone to an anti-lockdown journalist. We've seen these so-called bombshell stories before, and no institutional change ever comes from it.