To secure the speakership, Kevin McCarthy granted concessions to the House GOP's most militant and conservative faction. While conservative activists have cheered the outcome and insist that a more right-leaning agenda is necessary, the historically Republican voters from well-educated suburbs are distancing themselves from this side of the culture war, which could devastate the party in 2024.
Biden's corruption was a well-known Washington secret long before Donald Trump ran for office, and these so-called far-right Republicans pushed McCarthy for concessions. The GOP faction understands not only that it's Congress's duty to keep the executive branch in check but also that American voters from all sides are eager to learn what their leaders have been doing behind closed doors.
The start of the newest session of Congress highlights the pain of what happens when parties fail to collaborate as Republicans and Democrats become increasingly at odds. With the speaker technically not required to be a House member, per the Constitution, it may be best to pursue a third-party neutral figure next time to help calm the growing chaos in Washington.