Voters Head to the Polls in Zimbabwe

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The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Zimbabwe has forged a path to greatness under the leadership of ZANU-PF and, following his widely-expected election victory, Mnangagwa will continue to lead the nation to greater and greater strengths. Zimbabwe must be wary of the inevitable unrest that the opposition will attempt to impose after another election defeat and continue to support those who wish to push the nation even further forwards.

Establishment-critical narrative

Given Zimbabwe's economic decline and his appeal to the youth, Chamisa is the most promising candidate to run against Mnangagwa. However, while a social democrat with his progressive platform would have a good chance of winning in a truly democratic election, this is not the case in authoritarian Zimbabwe. After four decades of Zanu-PF rule Zimbabweans yearn for change, but the elections are not a legitimate opportunity for reform.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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