BBC Investigation: UAE Funded Political Assassinations in Yemen

BBC Investigation: UAE Funded Political Assassinations in Yemen
Image copyright: Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Spin

Narrative A

Though this investigation has just been released, its claims are all too similar to others made in the past which have already been proved false and politically motivated. Should any credible allegations of wrongdoing in its counter-terrorism operations ever come to light, the UAE will rigorously investigate them. However, there will be no need given the lack of credibility to these allegations, once again.

Narrative B

This new BBC documentary confirms what several other investigations have found over the past years — that the UAE has indeed hired mercenaries to carry out high-profile political killings in Yemen and advance its geopolitical ambitions in the Middle East. It's disturbing that the UAE still denies its actions when all evidence points to the contrary.

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