Flash Floods Hit San Diego

Flash Floods Hit San Diego
Image copyright: Mario Tama/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Spin

Left narrative

Climate change has hit California particularly hard given its intensifying effect on droughts as well as the rare but severe rainstorms making landfall. The state government has already begun cracking down on local water managers and agreed on regional state-to-state water sharing, but it must also pass more bills to force lower carbon emissions if it wants to tackle the broader climate issue.

Right narrative

Instead of working on ways to help Californians defend against high winds and rain, the state government has chosen to inundate them with fear over the world ending so it can impose power-grabbing laws. People are so afraid of the climate apocalypse that they've allowed their lawmakers to force companies to track not only their business-related emissions but those of their employees. The world isn't ending any time soon, so the public should take a moment to question if authoritarianism prompted by a changing climate is actually justified.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split



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