MI5: UK Facing 'Most Complex and Interconnected Threat Environment' Ever

MI5: UK Facing 'Most Complex and Interconnected Threat Environment' Ever
Above: MI5 Director General, Ken McCallum, gives a speech at Thames House in central London on Wednesday November 16, 2022. Image copyright: Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images

The Facts

  • MI5 head Ken McCallum claimed that the intelligence service has "one hell of a job on its hands" while speaking at an annual update on the security threats facing the UK on Tuesday.

  • McCallum stated that UK police and MI5 had stopped 43 "late-stage [terrorist] attack plots" since March 2017, with MI5's counter-terrorism work split approximately 75%-25% between Islamist and right-wing terrorism, respectively. McCallum also warned of a returning threat from both the Islamic State and al-Qaeda.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Malicious state actors such as Russia and Islamist terrorist organizations continue to undermine the rule of law and attempt to do the UK considerable harm. Despite this, the UK remains steadfast in the defense of its sovereign interests and will remain vigilant in ensuring domestic security within an increasingly dangerous world.

Establishment-critical narrative

Accusations of hostile operations by the likes of Russia and Iran are baseless and fictitious. The West continues to spread unfounded claims and hypocritically engage in their own covert behavior, seeking to destroy all cultures and ideologies that do not conform to their world order in a desperate bid to save their dying hegemony.

Metaculus Prediction

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