New Zealand to Abolish Maori Health Authority

New Zealand to Abolish Maori Health Authority
Image copyright: Fiona Goodall/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • New Zealand's government on Tuesday passed legislation to abolish the Maori Health Authority — set up in 2022 — by the end of June this year.

  • According to Health Minister Shane Reti, the Authority's functions will be absorbed into the country's national health system. Reti stated that the news: "doesn't mean an end to our focus on Maori health."

  • The Maori Health Authority — also called the Te Aka Whai Ora — was reportedly created to improve healthcare access for the Maori people, who make up 17% of New Zealand's population.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

This initiative undermines the rights of New Zealand's Maori population. Both political and social opposition in the form of petitions and protests have been largely ignored by Luxon's government. Repealing the Maori Health Authority is a highly unpopular move, which could backfire and destroy the country's social fabric.

Pro-establishment narrative

The end of the Maori Health Authority doesn't mean the end of all initiatives to improve Maori health outcomes. Additionally, the national health system absorbing the Authority does not mean all the current expertise about Maori health will be lost. Government officials have made clear their commitment to continuing the mission of improving the health of all New Zealanders.

Establishment split



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