Report: Dozens of Civilians Killed by Ethiopian Forces in Amhara

Report: Dozens of Civilians Killed by Ethiopian Forces in Amhara
Image copyright: J. Countess/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Dozens of civilians were extrajudicially killed by Ethiopian federal troops in the Amhara region last month, the state-affiliated Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said on Tuesday.

  • The EHRC said it had confirmed the identities of 45 civilians who were killed by government forces. "However, it can be assumed that the number of victims is even higher," it added.

The Spin

Narrative A

If anyone was still harboring doubts about the authoritarian and ethno-fascist nature of the Abiy Ahmed regime, they will have undoubtedly been shattered by the EHRC's confirmation that federal forces extrajudicially killed dozens of civilians in Amhara. The international community must intervene to halt ongoing genocidal war and prevent a humanitarian crisis in the region.

Narrative B

Though it's obviously tragic that some federal troops have failed to exercise restraint in military operations against the Fano militia, the responsibility for these deaths — and for the ongoing conflict in Amhara — ultimately lies with the fighters who have refused to lay down weapons and engage in dialogue with PM Abiy.

Metaculus Prediction

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