Trump Promises to Fast Track Permits for $1B+ US Investments

    Trump Promises to Fast Track Permits for $1B+ US Investments
    Image copyright: Suzanne Plunkett/Pool/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • US Pres.-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday that under his incoming administration, any person or company investing $1B or more in the US would receive expedited permits and environmental approvals.

    • The US currently receives approximately $177B annually in foreign direct investment, though this rate has been declining, according to Commerce Department data.

    • This proposal, which would apply to both foreign and domestic investments, would affect various billion-dollar energy projects nationwide, including natural gas pipelines, export terminals, solar farms, and offshore wind turbines.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    Trump is ready to work with anyone willing to make America richer, even if that means supporting traditional fossil fuels and alternative sources, including solar and geothermal. His strategy will promote innovation, energy independence, economic growth and lower costs by cutting red tape.

    Democratic narrative

    This plan will destroy climate progress while giving more benefits to billionaires. Polluting industries will be the first in line to bypass critical protections, putting the environment at great risk. Long-term climate and public health goals will be destroyed.

    Narrative C

    Trump must balance his focus on revitalizing fossil fuel industries with the growing demand for renewable energy infrastructure, partly driven by his predecessor's policies. While fossil fuel expansion supports energy independence and economic growth, maintaining momentum in renewable energy is crucial for fostering innovation.

    Metaculus Prediction

    Public Figures

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