UK Elections: Conservatives Launch Party Manifesto

    UK Elections: Conservatives Launch Party Manifesto
    Image copyright: Leon Neal/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Sunak's manifesto launch will have renewed confidence that there is still hope for the Conservatives yet. The party's document is full of reasonable and compelling pledges that may leave Labour slightly more nervous than many have expected. While some of the UK's deeper economic problems remain unsolved and ignored, it would be amiss to write off the Tories following Tuesday's surprising success.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    In a desperate attempt to avoid electoral wipeout, Sunak has once again attempted to halt the Conservative Party's inevitable political decline by offering unfeasible and unfunded tax cuts. After over a decade of lies, it is unlikely anything that the Tories have announced will change the minds of a fed up British public.

    Metaculus Prediction

    Public Figures

    The Controversies

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