UK: Sunak Calls July 4 General Election

UK: Sunak Calls July 4 General Election
Image copyright: Peter Nicholls/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced Wednesday that a general election will take place July 4, as the King granted his request to dissolve parliament.

  • Parliament is set to be prorogued Friday and formally dissolved next Thursday ahead of the official five-week election campaign.

The Spin

Left narrative

Sunak has called this surprise early election because he realizes that no further progress will be made in his chaotic administration. Hopefully, the UK will find stability once Labour returns to office because, under Sunak's leadership, the country remains far from its much-promised economic recovery and his controversial Rwanda immigration plan is a disaster.

Right narrative

This was the best time for Sunak to call an early election because the economy is enjoying growth and falling inflation, and the first Rwanda flights are expected soon — giving him a chance to prove this plan is the right one. Sunak might win over Britons and remain in office.

Metaculus Prediction

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