Yale Graduates Stage Pro-Palestine Walkout

Yale Graduates Stage Pro-Palestine Walkout
Image copyright: Yana Paskova/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • At least 150 graduates walked out in protest during Yale University's commencement ceremony Monday, leaving the courtyard of the school's Old Campus as part of their efforts to show support for Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip during Israel's war with Hamas.

  • The walkout started when Yale president Peter Salovey began announcing the candidates for degrees in front of thousands of graduates.

The Spin

Progressive narrative

It's great to see these students becoming politically active and having their voices heard. The Yale protesters can take heart that at other campuses across the US, administrators have begun to negotiate with students and the protests are proving successful.

Conservative narrative

Attendees of elite institutions like Yale may want to get out of their left-leaning academic bubble and really look at what their protests are saying. Some of these protesters have come out in support of Hamas, a terrorist organization with a history of mistreating its own people.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split



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