Though Hamas' actions have been brutal and its theatrics macabre, the cease-fire should continue and negotiations must move forward. The only way to achieve the release of all the hostages and move past the horrors of Oct. 7 is to maintain and continue the cease-fire deal.
Hamas' cruelty and barbarity knows no bounds, and the group's vile actions continue to demonstrate why the goals of the war must be achieved. Hamas killed two baby boys in cold blood yet expects Israel to bend over and pretend that nothing has changed. Indeed, this terrorist group must pay for its crimes.
When Israel kills thousands of Palestinian children, where was the outrage? When Israel returned hundreds of dead Palestinians in bags and dumped their bodies, where was the outrage? Of course, the death of children is always a tragedy, but the clear double standard applied to Palestinians is outrageous, not to mention the fact that Israel killed these children and their mother in its vicious campaign of indiscriminate airstrikes.