Though Israel has a right to defend itself and ensure that cities in the West Bank are not used to launch terror attacks, the US is still concerned regarding Israeli settlers and gratuitous military action in the territory. Israel must curb settler violence against innocent Palestinians and work toward finding a political solution. The US will also work to sideline the threat settlers pose to peace via sanctions.
It's becoming increasingly clear that Israel may have to treat the West Bank like Gaza in terms of ensuring Israel's security. Iran is not only supporting terror in Gaza and Lebanon but also in the West Bank, where it has attempted to enflame the situation by funding and arming terrorists through Jordan. The war against terror is a war Israel must win.
It's clear that Israel wants to expand its war on Gaza to the occupied West Bank as it besieges hospitals and bombards cities and towns. Israel's objective is to violently displace Palestinians in the West Bank much like what has been done in Gaza. Israeli forces have also targeted West Bank hospitals in recent months like they have in Gaza — further demonstrating Israel's desire to escalate the situation.