Study: Mars Had 'Vacation-Style' Beaches

    Study: Mars Had 'Vacation-Style' Beaches
    Above: A model of China's Mars rover Tianwen-1 at the InnoTech Expo on Dec. 12, 2022, in Hong Kong, China. Image copyright: NurPhoto/Contributor/NurPhoto via Getty Images

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    This study bolsters the theory that Mars could host life by suggesting water lasted into the Late Hesperian, enhancing habitability. It also aligns with a Brown University study showing that Mars' red color comes from water-rich ferrihydrite, which points to a wet past. Evidence from Martian meteorites (4.5B years ago) and recent ice-filled craters further imply that Mars contained life-supporting conditions for longer than previously thought.

    Narrative B

    We shouldn't get too excited about finding liquid water on Mars soon. While ripple marks do show ancient lakes existed billions of years ago, Mars' lost magnetic field let solar winds strip its atmosphere and water, leaving a cold desert. Another recent study also placed doubt on liquid brines holding water, citing sand flows and harsh conditions. Ice, not liquid, dominates on Mars.

    Cynical narrative

    Mars shouldn't dominate so much scientific focus. Its weak gravity thwarts terraforming, offering scant technological gain, while space stations outshine it for habitation tech. Asteroid mining will also outperform Mars' costly resource extraction, while Earth's deserts and oceans provide cheaper testing grounds. After decades of research, Mars has proven insufficient as an alternative to Earth.

    Metaculus Prediction

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