Hassan Nasrallah

Hassan Nasrallah

Hassan Nasrallah is a Lebanese cleric and leader of Hezbollah, a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group. He previously studied and taught at a school associated with the Amal political party.

Claims from Hassan Nasrallah

Hassan Nasrallah
Hassan Nasrallah"If the enemy [Israel] considers waging a war against Lebanon, our battle will be boundless, without rules."Jan 03, 2024
Hassan Nasrallah
Hassan Nasrallah"We are now faced with a historic opportunity to completely liberate every inch of our Lebanese land."Jan 06, 2024
Hassan Nasrallah
Hassan Nasrallah"Be certain that Iran's response to the targeting of its Damascus consulate is inevitable."Apr 05, 2024
Hassan Nasrallah
Hassan Nasrallah“The implicit goals of the Israeli war are to occupy Gaza, displace the Gazans and to turn the enclave into a beach for the Israeli settlers.”Jan 15, 2024

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