01 April 2024

Daily Newsletter

Baltimore Bridge: Temporary Channel Announced Amid Rebuilding Plans

The Facts

  • On Sunday, the "unified command" of federal and state officials responding to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge announced that a temporary channel would be established to support maritime traffic access to the port of Baltimore.

  • This comes as the US Department of Transportation has approved a request from Maryland Gov. Wes Moore for $60M in emergency funds to clear debris and start rebuilding Baltimore's collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

The Biden administration is right to allocate significant federal resources to reopen the critical Port of Baltimore and rebuild the bridge as soon as possible. These efforts wouldn't be without precedent as the federal government has previously released millions in similar incidents in Minnesota in 2007 and in Philadelphia last year.

Republican narrative

It's outrageous that the very first — and so far the only — reaction from the Biden administration is to force American taxpayers to pay for yet another rebuilding project as if there were no other alternatives. The White House should instead try to have Singapore and insurance companies help finance the project, as well as to reappropriate unused money.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the US national debt will reach $50T by January 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Senegal: Top Court Confirms Diomaye Faye as President-Elect

The Facts

  • Senegal's Constitutional Council has confirmed opposition candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye's presidential election victory. The 44-year-old is due to be sworn in on Tuesday.

  • The country's top court on Friday validated provisional results released earlier in the week based on vote tallies from polling stations.

The Spin

Narrative A

That the Senegalese people were able to elect an opposition leader imprisoned just days before the election is an impressive surprise, especially after all the attempts from the outgoing Pres. Macky Sall to cling to power beyond his constitutional term — including postponing the vote. His victory is a triumph for the country and its democratic system.

Narrative B

Senegal has again demonstrated its democratic stability, despite the scaremongering that preceded the vote. However, the nation has chosen a new president that, similar to new coup leaders in neighboring countries, represents a populist reaction to regional problems. It's unclear whether this vote for rupture will be the right choice for the country's future.

Nerd narrative

There's a 15% chance that Senegal will experience a successful coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Haiti: Gang Leader Demands Role in Peace Talks

The Facts

  • Jimmy "Barbecue" Chérizier, the head of both the G9 federation of gangs and the newly-formed Viv Ansanm revolutionary gang alliance, has stated that the inclusion of him and his allies in talks about Haiti's future is an indispensable precondition for a cease-fire.

  • In an interview with Sky News published during the Easter holidays, the gang leader also stressed, amid plans for a Kenya-led peacekeeping mission in Haiti, that foreign forces will be considered aggressors and invaders.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

More than just powerful gangsters, Chérizier and his allies are armed insurgents that have threatened civil war and genocide unless their political goals are met. Given that Haiti is a failed state and its government has lost authority, only an international military intervention to neutralize enemy combatants can restore order in the volatile Caribbean nation.

Establishment-critical narrative

Though Chérizier represents the very armed gangs that are to blame for the chaos in Haiti, his words against foreign troops in the country reflect the view of ordinary Haitians. The country has a long and ugly history of international intervention that ended in failure and made life even worse.

Nerd narrative

There's a 67% chance that Haiti will experience a successful coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Israeli Troops Withdraw from Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

The Facts

  • Following a two-week raid, Israeli forces withdrew from the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on Monday.

  • In a statement following the withdrawal, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they exited the compound after a "precise" operation that "killed terrorists" and found "numerous weapons and intelligence documents," while claiming to prevent "harm to civilians, patients and medical teams."

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

Israel has withdrawn from the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza after a successful operation in which Israeli troops killed and captured many Palestinian terrorists. Numerous weapons and intelligence documents were also seized from the site.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Despite Israel's allegations, there's no evidence the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza was being used by Hamas fighters. These are lies spread by Israel in an attempt to justify war crimes.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that there will be at least 50K Palestinian civilian deaths in the Israel-Gaza conflict before July 1, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Israel Sees Largest Anti-Government Protest Since Oct. 7 Attack

The Facts

  • Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered outside the Knesset in Jerusalem on Sunday to start a four-day demonstration against the government, marking the largest protest in the country since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack.

  • The demonstrations come as the unity following Hamas' attack seemingly erodes after nearly six months of war, with opposition leader Yair Lapid energetically criticizing the government while speaking at the rally.

The Spin

Right narrative

While some Israelis have rallied in good faith to demonstrate the need for an immediate solution to bring the hostages back home, it's outrageous that the opposition is now cynically using the hostage situation as a pretext to oust Netanyahu. In a short-sighted attempt to achieve short-term political goals, these anti-Netanyahu protests effectively undermine the Israeli negotiating position in talks with Hamas.

Left narrative

Netanyahu failed to prevent Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre and his military strategy has failed to effectively return the hostages. Though Israel is fighting its weakest enemy ever — a besieged militant group of a few thousand fighters — the government has managed to conduct the country's most unsuccessful military campaign. Now, Israel has been left isolated and soon to be bankrupt. Netanyahu must go as soon as possible.

Nerd narrative

There's a 40% chance that Benjamin Netanyahu will remain Prime Minister of Israel throughout 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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South Korean President Calls Striking Doctors a 'Cartel'

The Facts

  • South Korean Pres. Yoon Suk-yeol reiterated his desire to increase annual medical school admissions by 2K, and he went on to accuse the doctors in the ongoing strike against the proposal of being a "cartel."

  • Yoon said the 2K figure was "not a random figure we came up with" but rather an "essential" policy to "combat shortages and treat a fast-aging society."

The Spin

Narrative A

South Korean doctors have pulled these schemes for decades, and the government never punishes them. Despite a visible decline in medical personnel, hospital leaders and medical school professors never hold students accountable for breaking the law. Whether the government proposes an admissions increase of 2K or 500, the medical establishment enjoys its elite status too much to prioritize patients over their desires.

Narrative B

This strike is not just over admissions rates but rather a response to deeper issues with the national healthcare system. Despite life expectancy and the economy growing, the government has not increased compensation for doctors working at national hospitals. This has led to an exodus from medical care and toward cosmetic fields. If the government gave the pool of quality doctors the resources, there would be more health providers across the country.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that South Korea's fertility rate will be at least 0.69 in 2032, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Dairy Cows Contract Bird Flu for First Time

The Facts

  • The US Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that cattle from farms in Kan. and Texas had tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza — the first time the virus has been detected in cattle.

  • The virus was later detected in a herd in Michigan that had recently received cows from Texas. Officials have also said "presumptive positive" test results have been received from herds in New Mexico and Idaho.

The Spin

Narrative A

This outbreak should not be a cause for alarm for humans. Scientists haven't found any evidence that this strain has changed in terms of making it easier to transmit to humans, indicating that the risk is low. Additionally, regulations for commercial dairy products ensure that pasteurized milk is safe for consumption.

Narrative B

Recent cases of bird flu in mammals are extremely worrying because they may suggest a mutation that's making it easier to transmit to humans. Additionally, multiple types of influenza viruses could potentially intermix within infected animals and create new viruses that could be even more harmful to mammals. This situation, and food supply chains, must be monitored extremely closely.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance that there will be a novel pathogen that kills over 25 million people between 2022 and 2031 (inclusive), according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Transgender Day of Visibility Lands on Easter

The Facts

  • This year, the US Transgender Day of Visibility fell on Easter Sunday, causing a backlash over the coincidence and Pres. Joe Biden's recognition of it from conservatives and former Pres. Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

  • In a proclamation issued Friday, Biden called on "all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people" across the country and to aid in "eliminating violence and discrimination" against them.

The Spin

Right narrative

Once again Biden and the left have shown their disdain for religion and revealed themselves to be worshippers of identity politics instead. Biden only pretends to be religious when he needs it to court actual Christians' votes. The president made this unfortunate confluence of one of the holiest Christian days of the year — with a made-up political stunt — worse by issuing his proclamation on Good Friday.

Left narrative

It may surprise those on the right who are drumming up this faux controversy, but there are many LGBTQ Christians and allies who, like Biden, recognize both Easter and the transgender day of visibility. It's shameful that there are Christians on the right using a coincidence on the calendar to attack the president and overshadow the hope and joy Easter represents.

Nerd narrative

There's a 52% chance that if the 2024 US Presidential Election is Trump vs. Biden, Trump will win, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Turkish Opposition Party Wins Plurality in Local Elections

The Facts

  • Turkey's leading opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), made significant gains against Pres. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in local elections held over the weekend.

  • The CHP won 37.8% of the vote, its highest share since 1977, while the AKP only won 35.5%, its worst showing in local elections since the party was founded over 20 years ago. Erdoğan acknowledged his party's losses, calling them "a turning point."

The Spin

Narrative A

Every citizen of Turkey should feel proud that they live in an energetic and pluralistic democracy in which the people can tell those in power how they feel and express their grievances with the state. Pres. Erdoğan, throughout his tenure, has consistently demonstrated his desire to listen to the Turkish people and enact their wishes. This election, though certainly a turning point for the AKP, is by no means the end. The AKP will reflect on this election and continue working toward the interests of the Turkish people.

Narrative B

Erdoğan is correct in celebrating Turkish democracy. However, he should be feeling a lot of pressure as his grip on power begins to loosen. Erdoğan has consistently demonstrated his desire to subvert Turkish democracy for his own financial and political interests. Though he may be an authoritarian, Erdoğan is not a dictator, and the Turkish opposition should now feel a new surge of energy moving forward. With coordination and will, Erdoğan can be ousted and Turkey's democracy renewed.

Nerd narrative

There's a 7% chance that Turkey will be a member of the European Union by 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Russia Possibly Behind 'Havana Syndrome'

The Facts

  • A joint investigation by the Insider, Der Spiegel, and the CBS news program 60 Minutes claims Russia may be to blame for US diplomats and other officials suffering a mysterious set of ailments called “Havana syndrome.” A report on the years-long investigation aired Sunday.

  • Victims of the reported health incidents allegedly endured symptoms including severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, and ear pain. The incidents are often referred to as "Havana syndrome" as the first documented cases were reported at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba in 2016.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Sunday's bombshell report moves beyond circumstantial evidence and makes it all but certain that Moscow is behind "Havana syndrome." Russia has the technology, capability, and motive to deploy non-lethal acoustic weapons to disrupt the US. The US government should reopen its investigation immediately and respond with due diligence and greater empathy to civil servants who have suffered through this attack and subsequent neglect.

Pro-establishment narrative

The US government has studied the allegations of Havana syndrome in detail. These outcomes of this investigation have not established causality between reported symptoms and a foreign adversary. Government agencies are concerned about reported symptoms and their personnel and will explore holistic solutions and employee well-being to enhance occupational health and safety.

Pro-Russia narrative

This report is just more fear-mongering by the US against Russia. Whenever any person or official in the US suffers from any ailment, the American media and some government officials quickly blame Russia without evidence. This silliness needs to end, and the Kremlin will continue to push back against baseless accusations.

Nerd narrative

There's a 13% chance that there will be a war between the US and Russia before Jan. 1, 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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