19 June 2024

Daily Newsletter

Report: China Has Renamed Hundreds of Uyghur Villages, Towns

The Facts

  • A new report from Human Rights Watch and Norway-based Uyghur Hjelp says China has renamed hundreds of Uyghur villages and towns, removing religious, historical, and cultural references.

  • The researchers cited data from China's National Bureau of Statistics website, claiming that Beijing in 2009 began swapping out Uyghur names for ones that reflect the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

China has been guilty of crimes against humanity in relation to the Uyghurs for years, and the renaming of Uyghur cities and villages is just another blatant move to erase the Uyghurs' existence. The international community must step up its efforts to hold Beijing accountable for its atrocities in Xinjiang.

Pro-China narrative

This report is just another bout of misinformation produced by an organization sympathetic to nations that have a bone to pick with China. The CCP is performing counterterrorism actions in Xinjiang in order to protect its national security. The US, its friendly human rights organizations, and other aligned countries should stop making false claims against China.

Nerd narrative

There's an 8.8% chance that China will perform large-scale forced reproduction before Jan. 1, 2051, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Russia and North Korea Sign 'Peaceful and Defensive' Pact

The Facts

  • In a rare visit to North Korea — where he was greeted with cheering crowds, mounted soldiers, and the red carpet treatment on Wednesday morning — Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin was promised "full support" in his country's war with Ukraine by his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un.

  • Putin thanked Kim for support in Ukraine and said that the two countries would work towards signing a comprehensive partnership agreement.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine has left him so isolated on the world stage that he's been forced to make a deal with North Korea — a reclusive, nuclear-armed state — just so that he can continue supporting his invasion. This, in addition to the vow of mutual military aid, is deeply troubling and should be condemned.

Pro-Russia narrative

After years of cooperation and a good relationship, this agreement simply builds on what was there before. It calls upon the countries to not rest on their laurels, and build an even closer Russia-North Korea relationship going forward. This will have huge benefits for both — including in the spheres of security, trade, and investment, and will lead to an improvement of cultural ties.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that North Korea will have a McDonald's by June 2045, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Israel Warns of ‘All-Out War’ in Lebanon Against Hezbollah

The Facts

  • The Israeli military said on Tuesday that it had approved plans to mount a ground assault into Lebanon. The statement came only hours after Lebanon's Hezbollah released drone footage of the Israeli city of Haifa showing civilian and military infrastructure.

  • Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have slowly escalated since fighting erupted along the border shortly after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack. US Special Envoy Amos Hochstein was in Beirut on Tuesday to meet with Lebanese officials and try to de-escalate the situation.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The US is doing everything it can to both ensure that Israel can eliminate Hamas' military capabilities and prevent regional escalation. Israel must be able to defend itself from terrorist attacks, whether from Gaza or elsewhere. Nonetheless, it is not in the US or Israel's best interest to see the conflict escalate, and calm must be restored in the north and south.

Pro-Israel narrative

Hezbollah's escalations on the border will soon need to be addressed with overwhelming military force. Though a full-blown war with Hezbollah would be painful on the home front, Israel must take this existential terrorist threat seriously. Hezbollah, which is far more dangerous than Hamas, is not deterred, and Israel will have to remove it from south Lebanon with force if an agreement or understanding is not reached.

Pro-Palestine narrative

The Biden admin., increasingly anxious over the upcoming election, has resorted to cheap tactics to deny its support for Israel's brutal war. Regardless of the spin, Biden has armed Israel, given it diplomatic cover, and refused to effectively curb Israel's genocidal behavior — all of which incentivizes continued bloodshed. Israel simply could not continue to wage war if the US was not providing it a blank cheque.

Narrative D

Hezbollah and the regional resistance continue to demonstrate their military capabilities. Ultimately, the resistance's primary goal is to end the war in Gaza, not start a far larger regional conflict. However, Israel's genocidal actions and constant threats may indicate that a larger war is coming. Indeed, Hezbollah is ready to defend Lebanon.

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Report: 8M Deaths Attributed to Air Pollution in 2021

The Facts

  • The State of Global Air report, published by the Health Effects Institute (HEI) in partnership with UNICEF, has claimed that air pollution was responsible for over 8M deaths in 2021 and that 2K children die every day from bad air.

  • Accounting for 12% of all deaths worldwide, air pollution now overtakes tobacco use and poor diets as the second largest risk factor for early death, second only to high blood pressure.

The Spin

Narrative A

Climate change has greatly exacerbated the deadly effects of air pollution on the planet. The deadly PM2.5 pollutants are the direct result of our wanton use of fossil fuels, with inclement weather also contributing to pollution deaths. We must make the transition to a carbon-friendly economy if we want to rid us of the scourge of air pollution.

Narrative B

The perfect is the enemy of the good, and we cannot let a monomaniacal focus on climate change distract us from the changes we can make right now. People will be more motivated by the clear and present danger air pollution poses than distant harms down the road, and many more lives will be saved by a narrow focus on an issue we tackle here and now.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that outdoor air pollution will lead to at least 113M disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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DOJ Indicts Texas Doctor for Alleged Data Leak

The Facts

  • The US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) has filed a four-count indictment against Dr. Eithan Haim for allegedly illegally obtaining and leaking medical records of child transgender care at the Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) in Houston.

  • A Dallas-based surgeon, Haim previously trained at TCH during his medical residency. Following TCH's pledge to suspend its transgender care for children in 2022, the DOJ claims he reactivated his TCH login in 2023 to leak records showing the hospital was still doing so in secret.

The Spin

Left narrative

If illegally accessing HIPPA-protected patient records under false pretenses wasn't egregious enough, the medical services Dr. Eithan Haim thought he exposed were for important transgender healthcare treatments for vulnerable patients. Through either ignorance, malice, or both, Haim chose to illegally reveal sensitive private and protected medical records. For those crimes, he's now facing the consequences.

Right narrative

Eithan Haim is a hero who exposed TCH for secretly falsifying medical records to continue its harmful transgender practices after promising to stop. TCH took children as young as 11 — who were dealing with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts — and continued its procedures regardless. Dr. Haiam's ethical motivations must be considered in the context of alleged HIPAA violations.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that at least 13.1% of American adults will identify as LGBTQ in 2070, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Russia: US Army Sergeant Jailed for Nearly 4 Years

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • A court in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok on Wednesday sentenced US Staff Sgt. Gordon Black to three years and nine months in a Russian penal colony after finding him guilty of stealing ₽10K ($113) from his girlfriend and threatening to kill her.

  • Black, a 34-year-old married American soldier, was also ordered to compensate the woman — with whom he reportedly had an on-and-off romantic relationship that began in South Korea — for material damages worth ₽10K.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

Arrests of US citizens on trumped-up charges have become increasingly common in Russia, as the Kremlin wants to use them as political bargaining chips. Black's sentence — much stricter than what a Russian citizen would have received for domestic disputes — shows the US must expedite efforts to stop Moscow from holding Washington hostage.

Pro-Russia narrative

Black's conviction isn't related to the frayed relationship between Russia and the US. He is paying the price for not returning to Texas after leaving South Korea, for breaking army rules, for his extramarital affair, for causing considerable harm to a Russian woman, and for committing theft. Black must face the consequences of his willful criminal actions.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that there will be a US-Russia war before 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Nvidia Passes Microsoft as Most Valuable Public Company

The Facts

  • Chip-maker Nvidia on Tuesday passed Microsoft to become the world's most valuable public company, based on data from S&P Global — an ascent fueled by a boom in generative artificial intelligence (AI) and greater demand for the company's chips.

  • The California-based company's value has nearly doubled since the start of the year, with it now worth $3.34T.

The Spin

Narrative A

Nvidia's large bet on AI has paid off. Sure, the company benefited from some luck — and it will face stiff competition moving forward — but it took foresight to expand from a video game-focused company to working with other industries, including car manufacturers, to eventually becoming the chip maker everyone in AI is turning to during this boom. Nvidia's high perch has been well-earned.

Narrative B

Nvidia seems to be doing everything right while being in the right spot at the right time. But in addition to an increase in competition that's right around the corner, Nvidia's popularity among investors has all the makings of a classic inflating bubble. Eventually, every bubble bursts, and in this case, investors and an entire industry could take a hit. We should slow down before identifying Nvidia as the most important company on the planet.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that on the last day of 2024 Nvidia's market capitalization will be at least 3.1K, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Astronomers Discover Black Hole 'Waking Up'

The Facts

  • Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) say they've observed the gradual illumination of a black hole that's 1M times larger than the sun and is located 300M lightyears away.

  • It was first discovered by an observatory in California, called the Zwicky Transient Facility, in 2019. It's located within the Virgo constellation and is in a distant galaxy that was previously ignored for decades.

The Spin

Narrative A

Thanks to high-tech telescopes, scientists have been able to discover black holes, monitor their jets of electrons, and now observe their illumination of galaxies. As black holes have now been discovered in almost every galaxy, scientists will next be able to connect these mysterious phenomena to the creation of galaxies themselves. Not even light can escape these iconic cosmic enigmas.

Narrative B

When black hole discoveries are made, there are fears that one day, this cosmic phenomenon could cause the demise of planet Earth itself. There has indeed been a recent increase in observations of black holes "spotlighting" galaxies through their emission of radiation. However, scientific evidence suggests that black holes are not the outer space vacuum cleaners some claim they are — indeed, light may not be able to escape, but Earth is "unbelievably" safe.

Nerd narrative

There's a 70% chance that gravitational waves from the merger of supermassive black holes will be detected by November 30, 2027, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Lawmakers Meet With Dalai Lama

The Facts

  • A bipartisan US congressional delegation, led by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and including Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Wednesday met with the Dalai Lama at his home in India.

  • The delegation arrived Tuesday in the town of Dharamshala, where the Dalai Lama has lived since fleeing in 1959 after an unsuccessful uprising against the PRC. It visited the offices of the Tibetan government in exile, which is seeking autonomy for Tibet within China.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

This visit was rightly cheered by Tibetans in exile and should earn praise from all parties who believe in freedom. For too long, Tibetan leaders have been in exile and their way of life has been under threat from Chinese assimilation of the region. It's important for the US, as a defender of human rights, to stand up to China on this matter and at least force the issue to the negotiating table.

Pro-China narrative

It's unthinkable that the US would violate its promise to Beijing by backing the Dalai Lama's separatist notions. In fact, the US should do what it can to denounce what the Dalai Lama stands for. At a time when the US and China were rekindling cordial relations, it's unfortunate that Beijing may have to take measures to counter the US' intrusion into China's dispute with the Tibetans in exile.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that China will surpass the United States economically, militarily, and scientifically by November 2069, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK Inflation Hits 2% Goal

The Facts

  • UK inflation sat at 2.0% in May, the Office for National Statistics reported Wednesday, reaching the Bank of England’s (BoE) target of 2% for the first time since July 2021.

  • Price decreases for food and soft drinks, along with slower rises for recreation, furniture, and household goods, drove May's lower inflation, which was down from 2.3% in April. Nonetheless, food prices remain 25% higher compared to early 2022.

The Spin

Right narrative

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Tories have implemented an economic policy that is ending the UK’s cost-of-living problems far sooner than expected, and working people can’t afford to hand control over to Labour. By reaching the BoE’s target of 2%, interest rate cuts are on the horizon as the UK economy finally turns the corner.

Left narrative

Sunak and the Tories may try to claim credit for a positive inflation report that was driven by the BoE, but it's too little and far too late for it to have any impact on July’s election. The BoE almost certainly won’t cut interest rates on Thursday, and voters will remember Sunak’s tenure for the double-digit inflation of 2022.

Nerd narrative

There is a 5% chance that the UK housing market will crash before July 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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