18 June 2024

Daily Newsletter

Federal Judge Blocks Biden's New Title IX Rules in Six More States

The Facts

  • A federal district judge in Kentucky granted on Monday a preliminary injunction against the Biden administration's changes to Title IX, which would expand protections to LGBTQ+ students, in six additional states.

  • Enforcement is now blocked in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, with earlier rulings blocking it in Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Texas.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

The GOP has used the transgender community as a scapegoat, as basic protections for the LGBTQ+ community come under repeated assault. This change would grant no special privileges to any group and would merely extend to trans students the rights that everyone else is entitled to have. The Title IX change would obligate schools to protect LGBTQ+ students and ensure they are treated fairly.

Republican narrative

Equating biological sex-based categories with gender identity is illogical and only serves the purveyors of woke gender ideology. There are biological differences between the sexes, and pretending like they don't exist will obliterate Title IX as it will lead to the erasure of women's opportunities and protections. This ruling protects women's rights.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that at least 13.1% of American adults in 2070 will identify as LGBTQ, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Ecuador: at Least 8 Killed in Heavy Rains, Landslide

The Facts

  • The central Ecuadorian city of Banos on Sunday declared a state of emergency after at least six people were killed in landslides caused by days of torrential rain.

  • On Monday, two more bodies were recovered, adding to Sunday's six deaths. Landslides and flooding in 13 Ecuadorian provinces destroyed bridges, highways, and access between the highlands and Amazonia.

The Spin

Narrative A

This type of rainfall, and the damage it can cause, should not come as a surprise, considering scientists have been issuing warnings about this for many years. Climate change and El Niño are the primary catalysts for heat intensification, resulting in sea warming and a subsequent increase in land precipitation. These changes will likely contribute to a higher occurrence of natural disasters, so nations and local authorities must take measures to prepare for them and battle climate change.

Narrative B

Climate change may exacerbate the situation, but Ecuador's location along the Andean mountain range — prone to frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes — renders it susceptible to landslides, and it's especially vulnerable to flooding and landslides due to unplanned rapid urbanization. To ensure that city expansions are safe, the government must take control of city planning.

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Report: Malaysia Set to Join BRICS

The Facts

  • Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim told Chinese media on Monday that the Southeast Asian country will soon start the formal process of joining the BRICS group of emerging economies.

  • In an interview with Guancha, Anwar said that the decision to join the bloc had already been made and that Kuala Lumpur was now awaiting "the final results from the government in South Africa."

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Malaysia's desire to join BRICS highlights the tectonic shifts in the global balance of power and the dawn of the multipolar age. Western economies used to dominate the world order, but now the BRICS are surpassing the G7 in terms of global economic output and continuing to reshape international relations in favor of the Global South. The hegemony of the West is finally over, and Anwar's statements, therefore, reflect economic pragmatism and strategic foresight.

Pro-establishment narrative

While Malaysia may plan to join BRICS, this doesn't reflect the full picture of current trends. The headlines fail to mention the rising significance of the US market for ASEAN countries amid ongoing China-US trade tensions and economic shifts. For instance, Malaysia's exports to the US recently increased while exports to China declined. The US is still the most powerful country in the world, and Malaysia, an ASEAN country, shouldn't jeopardize its future due to ideological concerns.

Nerd narrative

There's a 67% chance that any member country will leave BRICS before 2035, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Putin Makes First Visit to North Korea in 24 Years

The Facts

  • Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin is set to arrive in North Korea for a two-day state visit on Tuesday — his first trip to the country in 24 years.

  • The visit comes following a personal invitation from North Korea's Kim Jong-un in September, the last time the pair met in Russia's far east. The leaders, according to reports at the time, likely discussed North Korean weapons in exchange for Russian satellite technology.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

Putin's trip to North Korea underscores the burgeoning relationship between Russia and a reclusive, nuclear-armed northeast Asian nation— a concern for Washington. It is also deeply disappointing that Vietnam is welcoming a proven war criminal and normalizing his war in Ukraine. Hanoi should eschew ties with Russia in favor of expanding its economic interests with the West.

Pro-Russia narrative

Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam signifies the long-standing ties between these countries as they seek to deepen their economic and diplomatic cooperation with Russia. Moscow is committed to fostering greater bonds with its allies, and his visit will strengthen ties while promoting peace and prosperity.

Nerd narrative

There's a 12% chance that there will be war between North Korea and South Korea before Jan. 1, 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Israeli Gaza Division Warned of Hamas Attack 3 Weeks Before Oct. 7

The Facts

  • Israel's Kan public broadcaster reported on Monday that the Israeli army's Gaza Division had compiled a document three weeks before Hamas' Oct. 7 attack detailing how the group planned to break through the border fence and take 200-250 hostages.

  • The document also reportedly detailed exercises conducted by elite Hamas units — including simulated raids on military posts and kibbutzim and abduction of soldiers and civilians — with detailed guidance on handling hostages once in Gaza.

The Spin

Left narrative

It should be obvious that the person most responsible for Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. For Israeli society to move forward and effectively confront the existential terrorist threat that Hamas poses, Netanyahu must finally take responsibility for his failures. Though he may try to blame the military, even Netanyahu himself is aware that his destructive policies caused the security failures of Oct. 7.

Right narrative

Though Netanyahu obviously made a mistake by not seeing just how atrocious Hamas could be, the military and security apparatus at large are primarily to blame for Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre. Indeed, the fact that the military is frantically trying to avoid an investigation indicates that it is aware of its responsibility for Oct. 7. The left is trying to scapegoat Netanyahu for the military's failures.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Regardless of the bickering among Israel's political elite regarding security failures, one must remember that none of this began on Oct. 7. Israel was founded at the expense of the Palestinian people, and now, since Oct. 7, this tendency has moved toward genocide. Israeli forces killed hundreds of Palestinians in the West Bank in the months leading up to Oct. 7, yet this is systematically ignored in mainstream discourse. The only way to end this conflict is to end the occupation.

Nerd narrative

There's a 60% chance that Benjamin Netanyahu will remain Prime Minister of Israel throughout 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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China Set to Build World's Largest Particle Accelerator

The Facts

  • A proposal before the Chinese government could see the country start building a $5B, 100 km (62 mi) Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) to study the Higgs boson particle and explore questions of the universe and how particles interact.

  • CEPC, which is reportedly "a circular Higgs factory comprising four accelerators," may be fully built by 2035 and would become the world's top particle collider.

The Spin

Narrative A

China's $5B CEPC will involve exorbitant costs but limited scientific benefits. The funds would be better spent on social issues and other scientific research. Its high expense and the minimal involvement of Chinese scientists in high-energy physics will likely be a "bottomless pit." Instead, investment ought to be channeled towards broader endeavors that directly benefit the country's people.

Narrative B

China should build the super-collider to push the boundaries of particle physics further. The Higgs boson's discovery was groundbreaking, but many questions remain unanswered. China's larger collider could uncover new particles — supporting or debunking existing theories and providing invaluable negative results. It also would foster high-tech industry growth in China and attract global scientific talent, invigorating its scientific community. Given its scale and technological demands, this collider could be the last of its kind.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance we will know what Dark Matter is before 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Announces Amnesty for 500K Undocumented Spouses

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday granting extended stays to immigrants who are illegally in the country but married to US citizens.

  • The move, called "parole in place," will give amnesty and a pathway to legal residency to around 500K spouses and 50K children under 21. Spouses must have been married by June 17 and lived in the country for at least 10 years.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This is diplomacy at its finest. After cracking down on asylum crossings to reduce Americans' concerns over the border, Biden is now working to help the spouses of Americans who have patiently awaited legal residency for years. He's also being cautious about who's eligible by excluding those with criminal records. The president has taken swift action to protect the border while also simplifying the system for genuine residency applicants.

Republican narrative

This is a calculated effort to further discombobulate the immigration court system, leaving it ripe for fraud. As the government deals with a backlog of hundreds of thousands of regular cases, this new order allows illegals to either soar through the system thanks to a real marriage license or give them time to fabricate documents to abuse the system in the future. From open borders and expedited work permits to this new policy, immigration law no longer exists.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that the rate of immigration enforcement in the US in 2024, as a percentage of removals to encounters, will be at least 5.91, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Kansas Attorney General Sues COVID Jab Maker Pfizer

The Facts

  • Republican Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced Monday his state is suing pharmaceutical company Pfizer over what it calls the drugmaker's deceptive marketing of the COVID vaccine.

  • The suit claims Pfizer marketed its vaccine as "safe and effective" while downplaying serious side effects, including myocarditis and pericarditis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found these side effects are rare.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Motivated by the record company revenue it would eventually enjoy, Pfizer misrepresented various problems and the ill effects its vaccine could have on recipients. In addition, it worked with the Democrat-friendly social media companies to stifle warnings about the jab's dangers. Pfizer's deceptions came during a period when people felt they were in an emergency and needed to make critical decisions on short notice. Pfizer must be held accountable.

Democratic narrative

Like the suit brought in Texas, this legal action taken by Kansas is based on meritless accusations and, ironically, deceptive descriptions of the federal government's and pharmaceutical companies' strategy for fighting the spread of COVID. All along, officials said vaccines weren't going to be foolproof but were still the best way to slow the virus at a time when there were mass casualties. These suits are just trying to turn fear into political points for Republicans.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the World Health Organization will announce the COVID-19 pandemic has ended by August 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Thailand: Former PM Indicted on Royal Defamation Charges

The Facts

  • Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Tuesday was granted 500K baht ($13.6K) bail by the Criminal Court of Thailand following his indictment on lese majeste charges.

  • Thaksin is charged with defaming the monarchy during an interview he gave to a South Korean newspaper nine years ago when he accused the king's advisory council of helping conduct a coup the year before.

The Spin

Narrative A

Thaksin must be held accountable for his corruption. Despite his indictments and previous parole status, he decided to act as a de facto diplomat by meeting with foreign governments. Instead of allowing the MFP to take charge and make real change, Thaksin's Pheu Thai Party is also proposing economic policies that would benefit his corporate friends over working-class people.

Narrative B

Thaksin's wealth doesn't mean he's an elitist. Consider how he garnered a voter base of working-class Thais, and how his anti-monarchy platform inspired regular people to speak out. If the military establishment didn't crack down on him and his supporters through coups and lawfare, he wouldn't be facing these charges.

Nerd narrative

There's a 55% chance that Thailand experiences a coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Thailand's Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Law

The Facts

  • Thailand is set to become the first Southern Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage after its Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to pass the final reading of a “marriage equality” law.

  • The bill was approved by the country’s House of Representatives in March, with the support of 405 of the 415 present members. It then passed the Senate Tuesday afternoon by a vote of 130-4, with 18 of the present members abstaining.

The Spin

Left narrative

This is a major win for the LGBTQ+ community in a country that has long-prided itself as a haven for equal rights. While Thailand has long been a symbol of acceptance in a hostile area, it took quite a long time for the country to officially legalize same-sex marriage and other LGBTQ+ rights. Nonetheless, this is still cause for celebration, and hopefully, Thailand sets an example for other Asian countries to follow.

Right narrative

It must be considered that the encroachment of the West's cultural exportation undoubtedly had an impact on this decision. At the end of the day, US influence guides the economic, social, and diplomatic policies of most countries in the world, and while everyone's rights must be respected, so too should the national cultures and religions of other nations.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that China will legalize same-sex marriage before 2042, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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