25 July 2024

Daily Newsletter

Study: Komodo Dragons Have Iron-Tipped Teeth

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • Scientists have found a "striking" and "predatory adaptation" in the Komodo dragon: a layer of iron coating on its teeth, keeping its "serrated edges razor sharp."

  • According to a paper published Wednesday in Nature Ecology & Evolution, iron in the cutting edge and tips of the world's largest lizard species' teeth stain them orange.

The Spin

Narrative A

The Komodo dragon faces a grim future due to climate change and human activity. With just over 1.3K mature dragons left, their Indonesian habitat is shrinking rapidly due to rising sea levels and agricultural expansion. Decision-making is urgently needed to preserve this iconic species.

Narrative B

The Komodo dragon has survived for millions of years because it requires little energy and can tolerate harsh environments. Therefore, the reptile’s endangered status — based on habitat loss due to rising temperatures and sea levels associated with climate change — should be reassessed.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the first course on wild animal welfare will be taught at a top university by December 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Sudan: Paramilitary Chief to Attend US-Mediated Cease-Fire Talks

The Facts

  • The leader of Sudan's paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), General Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, announced on Wednesday that he will attend the US-mediated cease-fire talks in Switzerland on Aug. 14.

  • Dagalo reportedly "welcomed" the invitation extended by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and confirmed the RSF's "participation in the upcoming ceasefire talks" with the Sudanese military under the command of army chief Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

The Spin

Narrative A

The development that Dagalo accepted the invitation to fresh peace to create a space for a political process is a new glimmer of hope for the forgotten war in Sudan. It's particularly encouraging that the UN Security Council backs the US-mediated talks in a rare and significant agreement among its members. Moreover, the rapid geopolitical developments in the Red Sea and the wider region are generating additional momentum. Now, it's up to the regular Sudanese army to prove its will for peace.

Narrative B

The latest Saudi-backed US initiative only sounds encouraging on the surface. While the Saudis are now appearing to be a force for peace, Riyadh is fueling the conflict by supplying weapons, just like its rival, the UAE. Though they're backing the warring parties, both US allies are primarily concerned with controlling Sudan's resources, energy, and logistical gateways. The geopolitical dimension and interests of the various external players make it unlikely that the new talks will achieve peace.

Nerd narrative

There's a 45% chance that the RSF will come out as the victor in the Sudanese civil war, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Navy Settles COVID Vaccine Lawsuit with SEALs, Sailors

The Facts

  • The US Navy on Wednesday settled a long-running lawsuit with SEALs and sailors who refused the COVID vaccine on religious grounds.

  • As a part of the agreement, the Navy will erase the record of sailors who declined to comply with the COVID mandate and protect the servicemembers' careers against discrimination on the promotion board.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Hesitancy to take up the COVID vaccines was primarily driven by disinformation on how they were developed, including inaccurate information on the use of fetal tissue from abortion procedures. Refusal to obey legal orders eventually affected the military's preparedness, which is why those who refused to be immunized must be punished according to procedures.

Establishment-critical narrative

Navy SEALs and other servicemembers have fought long and hard for this legal victory. It's great to see that those who were guided by their conscience and were steadfast in their faith will finally not be discriminated against by the Navy and not have their decisions held negatively against them.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance that before Jan. 1, 2025, at least two public health agencies will claim that COVID-19 more likely than not originated in a laboratory, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Scientists Modify Fly to Eat More Human-Produced Waste

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • A team of scientists from Australia's Macquarie University in Sydney is genetically modifying black soldier flies to increase their consumption of humanity's organic waste.

  • In a paper published Wednesday in Communications Biology, scientists said black soldier flies could curb the planet-warming methane emitted into the atmosphere when organic waste breaks down.

The Spin

Narrative A

Genetically modified flies are revolutionizing waste management. This innovative approach supports food security and promotes a circular economy, minimizing landfill dependence and environmental impact. It's also a sustainable solution for water-scarce regions.

Narrative B

While it's attractive for its potential to convert food waste into protein, black soldier fly modification risks reinforcing industrial animal agriculture. This is both exploitative and environmentally harmful, and it could divert resources from more comprehensive food system reforms.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the level of anthropogenic methane emissions in 2050 will be at least 10.1 gigatons, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK: Manchester Officer Suspended Over Video of Kicking Man's Head

The Facts

  • A UK officer was suspended on Thursday after footage appearing to show him kicking and stomping on a suspect's head at Manchester Airport was circulated online. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said officers were attacked while trying to arrest someone over a fight at Terminal Two.

  • The police stated that as they were responding to a fight at 8:25 pm on Tuesday, three officers were attacked, punched to the ground, and a female officer suffered a broken nose.

The Spin

Left narrative

As public trust in British police falls to record lows, it appears officers have decided to double down on their use of excessive force. This was clearly racially motivated as well, which is why the police trotted out one of their few officials of the same race as the victims to speak on the department's behalf. All people deserve to be protected by police, not treated like second-class citizens.

Right narrative

In recent times, the police have not done their job of fighting crime, including running away from violent riots in Leeds last week. The officers involved in this incident, who were a special kind of armed police in charge of protecting against terrorism, acted quickly and forcefully after a violent group broke another officer's nose.

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GOP Lawmaker Files Impeachment Resolution Against Harris

The Facts

  • US Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) on Tuesday announced a second impeachment resolution against Vice President Kamala Harris, who's currently the leading candidate to replace Pres. Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee following Biden's decision to step aside.

  • Ogles' first filings came in June 2023 and accused Harris of failing to execute her duties and responsibilities by "refus[ing]" to enforce existing immigration laws and allegedly opening the Southern border. The filing was introduced but never acted upon.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Republicans are desperate to tarnish Harris' reputation now that she's the likely heir apparent to Biden and her popularity is soaring. Their case against her is flimsy at best, but performative acts like this unfortunately will probably keep coming as the GOP desperately attempts to shift momentum back to former Pres. Donald Trump.

Republican narrative

If Harris believes she's qualified to be the next president, she should answer for her extremely problematic record on a number of issues— including her bungling of the Biden administration's response to the migrant crisis at the Southern border. If the border failures were enough to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Harris should be held accountable as well.

Nerd narrative

There's a 43% chance that Kamala Harris will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Senate Subpoenas Steward Health Care CEO

The Facts

  • A bipartisan group of US senators have subpoenaed Steward Health Care Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ralph de la Torre, demanding he testify before the Senate Committee on Healthcare, Education, Labor and Pensions on Sept. 12.

  • At question are how de la Torre and his company were able to accumulate incredible wealth — including de la Torre's personal $40M yacht and $15M fishing boat as well as two company jets — while the hospitals owned by Steward went bankrupt.

The Spin

Narrative A

While everyone has a right to defend their record, de la Torre appears to have unethically prioritized corporate profits over patient well-being. After starting Steward his wealth grew dramatically as his company began to crumble. Healthcare leaders are supposed to prioritize healthcare, not secretly extract private wealth as hospitals face bankruptcy, and he de la Torre must be held accountable.

Narrative B

De la Torre's plight is actually a microcosm of the corrupt US health system as a whole. Private equity firms buy up hospitals with the sole purpose of profiting, whether patients receive quality care or not. Firms like Steward should never be allowed to take on massive Wall Street debt, and it's vital to focus on the deeper systemic issues and not de la Torre exclusively.

Narrative C

Steward Health Care is trying the best it can under challenging healthcare market conditions. Already Steward is selling some of its medical centers to other health care systems. The full context of the state of the healthcare sector and Steward's attempts to navigate it must be fairly assessed before coming to any conclusion.

Nerd narrative

There's a 33% that the US federal government will pass legislation by 2040 to provide universal healthcare for American citizens, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Uses Speech to 'Pass the Torch'

The Facts

  • In a speech delivered from the Oval Office on Wednesday, Pres. Joe Biden explained why he's no longer seeking reelection, saying it's time to "pass the torch to a new generation" of Democratic leaders who can help defend democracy.

  • Biden used swaths of the 11-minute speech to laud his first-term accomplishments, look ahead to achievements he hopes to obtain in his final months in office, and to further endorse Vice Pres. Kamala Harris, who is the favorite to win the Democratic presidential nomination to oppose Republican former Pres. Donald Trump this November.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

It's rare for a sitting president to prematurely relinquish power, but — as he's done time and again during his decades-long career — Biden is doing what he thinks is best for the country. Juxtaposed with Trump, who still hasn't conceded the 2020 election and inspired the Jan. 6 attacks at the US Capitol, Biden's speech and his decision to step aside make the choice clear about which party is best for preserving democracy in the US.

Republican narrative

Biden's speech — delivered with little emotion and a slurring of words — did nothing but confirm how important it is for him to exit the Oval Office and for Trump to take over. Biden lied at every bullet point — including his claims about handling the war in Gaza, the treatment of US veterans, and the US economy. Most notably, he refused to acknowledge the real reason for dropping out He knows that he doesn't stand a chance against Trump.

Narrative C

Considering how Biden, prior to his announcement about stepping aside, was adamant about continuing his reelection campaign, the American people deserve an explanation. Yet, Biden offered no rationale for this sudden U-turn — nor any update on his health — during this speech. Biden's ability to lead the US during his final months in office is in question.

Nerd narrative

There's a 43% chance that Kamala Harris will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Argentina-Morocco Olympic Men's Soccer Opener Descends Into Chaos

The Facts

  • The first day of men's soccer at the Paris Games was mired in chaos as the Argentina-Morocco game at Stade ­Geoffroy Guichard in Saint-Ettiene had to be suspended for over an hour and completed behind closed doors.

  • Morocco fans stormed the field and threw objects at Argentina players, including what appeared to be a flare, on Wednesday after Cristian Medina scored a late-minute equalizer for the South Americans that was eventually ruled out by a video assistant referee (VAR).

The Spin

Narrative A

This incident has turned an opening Olympic game into a pathetic circus in which Argentine players were forced to run back to their locker room as organizers failed to ensure their safety to play soccer. On top of that, the decision to resume the game goes against FIFA regulations as neither side wanted to continue playing.

Narrative B

It's certainly regrettable that organizational disaster has tarnished this opening Olympic game, but what is more concerning is the fact that Argentine fans have used that as a justification to carry out racist and xenophobic online attacks yet again — now against Moroccan players. There must be no room for such behavior in soccer.

Nerd narrative

There's a 19% chance that a terrorist act will occur in metropolitan France during the 2024 Summer Olympics, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Papua New Guinea: Gang Kills at Least 26 in Village Ambush

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • Papua New Guinea (PNG) police reported on Thursday that a gang killed at least 26 people, including 16 children, across the Sepik River villages of Tamara, Tambari, and Angrumara in East Sepik’s Angoram district last week.

  • According to UN human rights chief Volker Türk, the attack, which left some people beheaded and others fleeing as their homes were burned, was "seemingly...the result of a dispute over land and lake ownership and user rights."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

PNG has a rich history of cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity, but recent population growth and an influx of modern weapons have threatened to destabilize the nation. Both domestic and international investigations should be conducted in pursuit of establishing peaceful cohabitation and resource sharing among regions and tribes.

Establishment-critical narrative

The reason PNG has security issues is because former colonial powers left the island with weak political institutions. The irony of the West, after having taken over the island before leaving it to fend for itself, has not gone unnoticed. China, on the other hand, is seeking meaningful security pacts with PNG, so it has a true ally.

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