29 July 2024

Daily Newsletter

US to Overhaul Its Military Command in Japan

The Facts

  • The US and Japan announced on Sunday plans to overhaul their military ties, including intentions to upgrade the US Forces Japan to a Joint Force Headquarters.

  • The defense chiefs of the two nations also reportedly agreed to strengthen US-licensed missile production in Japan, as well as co-production of air-to-air missiles.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The US and Japan are responding to China's coercive tactics in the Indo-Pacific, and the significant threat they pose, by demonstrating solidarity and strength. Enhanced security cooperation — with the US gaining greater military base access in the Philippines while Japan deepens defense ties with the nation — comes as South Korea and Australia also reinforce alliances with the US. These moves, provoked by China's aggressive stance, are creating a coalition of democracies that will effectively counter Beijing's regional influence.

Establishment-critical narrative

The deepening US-Japan security alliance and other US-led alliances in the region aim to address the "China threat." However, this complex network only risks escalating tensions in East Asia, potentially leading to a more dangerous and divided region. Without the development of significant diplomatic efforts to balance military strategies, the risk of conflict will escalate — this highlights the urgent need for cautious, cooperative approaches to regional stability.

Nerd narrative

There's a 49% chance that if China invades Taiwan before 2035, Japan will respond with military forces, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Israel-Hezbollah Tensions Flare as West Urges Restraint

The Facts

  • A missile attack on a soccer field in the Golan Heights on Saturday killed at least 12 children and teens, escalating tensions on the Lebanese border. Israel and the US blamed Hezbollah for the strike on the Druze town, prompting the US to talk with Israel and Lebanon to de-escalate the situation.

  • Israeli Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari stated that Saturday's attack was the most severe against Israel since Hamas' attack on October 7. The attack left twenty others injured. In response, the Israeli military launched attacks on Hezbollah targets "deep inside Lebanese territory."

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

The barbaric attack on innocent youth on a soccer field on Saturday will not go unpunished. Despite its ludicrous claims, Iran's proxy in the region, Hezbollah, is obviously responsible. They fired the rocket, and they will face the full consequences of their actions. There is a major price to pay.

Pro-Iran narrative

Unlike Israel, Hezbollah does not target civilians. Hezbollah only hits Israeli military targets in the occupied Golan Heights. What struck the football pitch on Saturday was most likely an Israeli anti-rocket interceptor projectile. Israel is clearly trying to deflect attention from its genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance Israel will lose control over the Golan heights before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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France Probes Death Threats to Israeli Olympic Athletes

The Facts

  • The Paris prosecutor's office has said that an investigation has been launched into online death threats — reported by France's Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin — against three Israeli athletes at the Paris Olympics.

  • Last week, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz warned his French counterpart, Stéphane Séjourné, of a "potential threat posed by Iranian terrorist proxies" to attack visiting Israeli citizens during the Games.

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

Nothing seems to have changed for the better in terms of antisemitism from Munich 1972 to Paris 2024, as harassment and multiple death threats have forced Israeli athletes to be placed under full-time police protection — and even to hide not to become a target. If anything, we are actually witnessing the most antisemitic Games since Berlin in 1936.

Pro-Palestine narrative

It's no surprise that allowing a country that is currently carrying out a genocide campaign to participate in the Olympics would lead to emotional reactions — especially when the Israeli flag bearer in the opening ceremony signed bombs used to kill civilians, including over 300 athletes, in Gaza. Similar to Russia and Belarus, Israel should have been banned.

Nerd narrative

There's a 20% chance that a terrorist act will occur in metropolitan France during the 2024 Summer Olympics, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Putin Vows 'Mirror Measures' to US Missiles in Germany

The Facts

  • Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin on Sunday vowed to deploy previously banned long-range missiles close to Western countries if the US goes through with its plan to station similar long-range, nuclear-capable missiles in Germany in 2026.

  • Speaking at a naval parade in St Petersburg, Putin said that, if the US goes forward with the move, Russia would take "mirror measures," adding that "we will consider ourselves free" from its self-imposed moratorium on such weapons — a reference to the 1987 US-Soviet treaty that the US pulled out of in 2019.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

These are defensive weapons and are similar to what the US has had stationed in Europe for years. A torrent of Russian threats will not stop Washington from taking the steps necessary in order to keep the Western alliance safe.

Pro-Russia narrative

Moving these nuclear-capable missiles into Germany would put the weapons within a 10 minute flight time of Moscow. Russia has no choice but to take mirror measures in response to this obvious escalation. Moscow is not the aggressor in this situation, it is on the defense.

Nerd narrative

There's a 20% chance that a nuclear weapon will be detonated as an act of war by 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Apple to Delay Launch of AI Features in iOS

The Facts

  • A report from Bloomberg claims that Apple's new artificial intelligence (AI) features will have their release pushed back to October, meaning it will miss its planned inclusion in the upcoming iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 launches in September.

  • The AI tools, known as Apple Intelligence, were announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference this June. It purportedly will include text and image generation, a summary maker for web pages, and AI integration for its Siri virtual assistant.

The Spin

Narrative A

This delay will be of no real import to Apple's AI plans. The real secret of the success of the company is not their innovation or willingness to be early adopters, but their tireless work to take an existing idea and make it the best on the market. It would be worse if the company released Apple Intelligence in a half-baked state, as it's poised to perhaps dominate the consumer AI market.

Narrative B

Apple is continuing to fall behind in the AI race, and this delay does not bode well for their prospects. While the company has showcased plenty of bells and whistles, questions remain as to whether or not their in-house AI models are any good, given that they are partnering with ChatGPT maker OpenAI. The iPhone maker has, for once, found itself behind the eight ball on AI.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that the first general AI system be devised, tested, and publicly announced by 2033, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK: Tommy Robinson Arrested Under Terrorism Law

The Facts

  • Right-wing activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson, was arrested at the Channel tunnel in Folkestone on Sunday under schedule seven of the Terrorism Act 2000 for not complying with a stop and search.

  • A day prior, Robinson had organized a "Uniting The Kingdom" rally between the Royal Courts of Justice and Trafalgar Square in London. The event was met by a coalition of counter-protesters, and a total of nine people were arrested due to clashes with police.

The Spin

Narrative A

If Robinson's blatant violation of his defamation ruling wasn't bad enough, tens of thousands of his far-right supporters, as well as several fellow far-right speakers, joined last weekend's illegal performance. Robinson's growing popularity has also gone from attacking Muslim refugees to targeting LGBTQ people, vaccines, and green energy. The UK is witnessing an unprecedented growth in hate-filled movements.

Narrative B

For simply showing up to a rally and speaking his mind, Tommy Robinson was detained for six hours and treated like a terror suspect, with police revoking his right to remain silent under the terror law. The irony is that while the police spend their time interrogating an innocent political activist, they're choosing to ignore actual pro-Hamas protesters filling the streets at the same time. The UK treats patriotism with disdain while propping up those who hate the country.

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Biden Calls for Sweeping SCOTUS Reforms

The Facts

  • Pres. Joe Biden on Monday in an opinion essay in The Washington Post called for three reforms to the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) that he claims would "restore trust and accountability" to the court and democracy in the US.

  • Biden says recent SCOTUS decisions that granted presidential immunity for actions taken while in office and overturned "settled legal precedents" prompted his calls. He also claimed that several justices are involved in scandals that compromise the "court's fairness and independence."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Gift-grabbing scandals, especially from conservative justices, have tanked SCOTUS' approval rating. America wants to believe in its highest court again, and these modest, popular proposals — which fall short of expanding the court, as many experts have recommended — would at least put the country on the road to restoring faith in SCOTUS.

Republican narrative

Congress and the executive branch must stay out of the judiciary's business. Democrats only want to change the way SCOTUS operates because recent decisions didn't go their way because the justices who best stick to the proper translation of the Constitution sit in the majority. Making SCOTUS into another partisan body would tear at the foundation of US democracy.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that there will be at least 9 seats on the US Supreme Court in 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Venezuela: Maduro Wins 3rd Presidential Term

The Facts

  • Venezuela's electoral authority has declared Pres. Nicolás Maduro received 51.2% of the vote and won Sunday's presidential election.

  • The 61-year-old Maduro dedicated his win to his mentor and predecessor, Hugo Chávez, vowing to "defend our democracy, our law and our people."

The Spin

Narrative A

In the most transparent, peaceful elections in the country's history, the incumbent president cleanly and unequivocally defeated a pro-imperialist. The opposition must accept the results or document any alleged fraud and make its findings public. If it can't — which it will not — it should stop trying to tarnish Venezuela's democracy and allow Maduro to rebuild the country and salvage its economy.

Narrative B

Maduro's victory was neither free nor fair. The opposition was denied access to most of the voting tallies, preventing the verification of the results. This outcome doesn't reflect the will of the Venezuelan voters, who wanted an end to Maduro's decade-old autocratic rule. The government resorted to fraud to win, but González is Venezuela's rightful president-elect.

Narrative C

This result will have repercussions beyond Venezuela. Venezuela is in a deep economic, political, and social crisis, forcing over 7.8M people to flee the country. This exodus could increase, as Maduro's victory will mean more state-sponsored repression, an imploding economy, and the continued erosion of democratic checks and balances. The international implications of this election need greater focus.

Nerd narrative

There's a 42% chance that there will be a civil war in Venezuela before Jan. 1, 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Debate Ensues Over Trump's 'You Won't Have to Vote Anymore' Comment

The Facts

  • Former Pres. Donald Trump last Friday in a speech to Christian supporters said that if they voted to re-elect him this year, after "four more years" they "won't have to do it anymore," sparking debate over what the 2024 Republican presidential candidate meant.

  • Trump also said, "We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote." His campaign later said his comments were "about uniting this country and bringing prosperity to every American."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

History tells us Trump has at different times claimed he would act like a dictator on "day one" of a second term, staged a coup to remain in power, and expressed other autocratic sentiments. Clearly, he was telling his Christian supporters this could be their last election if he returns to the White House.

Republican narrative

Anyone being honest knows Trump was using figurative and joking language. His statements clearly were meant to say that if he's re-elected, his administration will be so successful that Americans won't feel the existential need to focus on politics. Even former Biden officials openly acknowledge this.

Nerd narrative

There's a 55% chance that Donald Trump will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Sexual Violence in Sudan Civil War is Widespread

The Facts

  • A report from Human Rights Watch released on Monday claims that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), actors in Sudan's civil war fighting the Sudanese military, are responsible for widespread acts of sexual violence. The report focuses on instances of sexual violence in Khartoum.

  • Khartoum first saw conflict break out between the paramilitary RSF and the government Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in April 2023. The report claims that in Bahri and Omdurman, victims of sexual abuse ranged from ages 9 to 60, and abuse was perpetuated by both sides in the conflict.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The war in Sudan has become a forgotten conflict, and every day that passes without intervention is a mark of shame that must be addressed by the international community. The evidence for egregious human rights abuses continues to mount, and the UN has enough grounds to act and sanction perpetrators and help restore order. This must be done to avoid further suffering and avert a looming famine on the ground.

Establishment-critical narrative

The crisis in Sudan is partially the fault of the world community, as they incentivize armed groups to take part in peace talks that they have no plans on upholding. In Sudan, much-needed reforms were put on the back burner in order to secure a cessation of fighting, which created a powder keg situation in the country. The "rules-based order" has to rethink how we engage with violent groups and put civilians first.

Nerd narrative

There is a 45% chance that the RSF will win the civil war in Sudan, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK: Southport Stabbing Leaves Two Children Dead

The Facts

  • An attacker killed two children and left nine others injured after attacking them with a knife at a dance workshop in Southport, England, Monday morning local time. Six of the injured children are in "critical condition."

  • A 17-year-old suspect has been arrested. Though he cannot be named for legal reasons, he is reportedly originally from Cardiff and moved to Southport with his Rwandan parents when he was six. The incident is not being treated as an actor of terrorism by investigators.

The Spin

Right narrative

The UK is facing an unprecedented rise in deadly knife crime, particularly connected to youth gangs in cities where the police are understaffed. With over 40 knife-related incidents reported every day, it's virtually impossible for these overworked officers to provide adequate public safety measures. There needs to be more police to patrol neighborhoods, and they should be allowed to stop and search these youths who are terrorizing communities.

Left narrative

While police are part of the solution, there also needs to be a change in culture led by children themselves. If children have access to safety programs in schools, they are less likely to end up in violent situations. Victims should also be given a platform to tell their stories, which would also help warn others not to engage in violent activities that will ruin their lives. A more holistic, community-based solution is needed for knife crimes like these.

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