23 August 2024

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Indonesia Postpones Election Law Changes After Attempts to Storm Parliament

The Facts

  • Lawmakers in Indonesia have halted the ratification of changes to election laws and postponed deliberations until the next parliament begins, Deputy Speaker Sufmi Dasco Ahmad announced on Thursday after the plenary session did not meet the quorum.

  • This means that the proposed overhaul will not apply under the administration of Pres. Joko Widodo, who leaves office on Oct. 20 to be replaced by president-elect Prabowo Subianto, or to regional elections in November.

The Spin

Narrative A

Demonstrations were key to ensuring that public rationality remains in place and the protests prevent the ratification of these undemocratic changes to election laws in Indonesia. Given that rulings of the Constitutional Court are final and binding, lawmakers must implement them instead of pushing for an overhaul.

Narrative B

While there's indeed a correlation between nationwide student protests on Thursday and the decision to postpone the ratification of the election law changes, the main reason for the delay was the lack of quorum. As candidate registration begins on Tuesday, it would be inadequate to raise the issue again next week.

Nerd narrative

There's a 7% chance that Indonesia will experience a successful coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Australia: Trans Woman Wins Giggle Discrimination Case

The Facts

  • An Australian court has ruled that the female-only app Giggle for Girls engaged in "indirect gender discrimination" against a transgender woman when her account was removed in 2021.

  • On Friday, Federal Court Justice Robert Bromwich ordered Giggle's founder, Sall Grover, to pay Roxanne Tickle $10K in legal fees but denied her request for a written apology.

The Spin

Narrative A

This landmark case hinged on the definition of a "woman" under Australian law. The court clarified that sex is changeable and not limited to birth assignment, rejecting arguments of immutability. This strengthens protections for transgender individuals, affirming their right to be recognized according to their gender identity.

Narrative B

Roxanne Tickle is a biological male, and Giggle is a biological-female-only space. Letting in Tickle would compromise the platform's safety and integrity. While the court has ruled against the app, the fact remains that her exclusion was rooted in safeguarding a platform designed exclusively for biological women.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that at least 13% of American adults will identify as LGBTQ+ in 2070, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Modi Makes First Visit From Indian Head of State to Ukraine

The Facts

  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Kyiv and met with Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday, making him the first Indian head of state to arrive in Ukraine since it became an independent country in 1991.

  • Modi's visit, a month after he visited Russia last month, promoted the idea of peace negotiations. At a joint press conference with Zelenskyy, Modi said: "The road to resolution can only be found through dialogue and diplomacy. And we should move in that direction without wasting any time. Both sides should sit together to find a way out of this crisis."

The Spin

Narrative A

India's Modi will have a difficult balancing act to keep positive relations with Ukraine while keeping Russia — which India shares a decades-long relationship with — happy. However, Modi is one of few world leaders who has a good relationship with both countries, alongside the diplomacy required to make such a peace deal happen.

Narrative B

This trip is about India's self-interest, rather than an interest in peace or any other matters. By making this trip, Modi is continuing on his quest to bring Europe closer to India. That's because as Russia cozies up to China, Modi feels that India may need to make new alliances.

Nerd narrative

There is a 1% chance there will be a bilateral cease-fire or peace agreement in the Russo-Ukraine conflict in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Google, California Agree to Five-Year Deal on Journalism and AI Research

The Facts

  • Google and California lawmakers announced on Thursday that they had reached a five-year deal worth nearly $250M to support local journalism and artificial intelligence (AI) research.

  • Approximately $110M will be provided by Google as well as $70M by California's state budget to fund journalism programs, while Google has also committed a further $70M towards an AI research program. The deal is to begin in 2025 and will see $100M in funding in its first year.

The Spin

Narrative A

This is a win for all parties involved. The previous draft bills threatened Google and other digital platforms with unfair taxation backed by lobbyists of big media conglomerates for merely connecting Californians to their online news outlets of choice. This pact between Google and California is a historic partnership aimed at supporting the local media ecosystem through philanthropy and innovation.

Narrative B

Instead of remaining committed to the fight against Big Tech and its grip on the internet's information environment, California has sold out to the very monopoly that the draft legislation sought to hold accountable. Through this deal, local media is now more reliant than ever on Google for its survival, with Gov. Newsom and his supporters choosing to side with Silicon Valley over independent journalism from the safety of smoke-filled rooms.

Nerd narrative

There is a 25% chance that an act such as the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act will significantly strengthen US news companies' bargaining position before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Harris Accepts Democratic Presidential Nomination

The Facts

  • Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday became the first Black woman and first person of South Asian descent to accept the nomination for president of a major US political party at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

  • During her nearly 40-minute speech, Harris cast former Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, as a threat to the country and an "unserious man." She characterized the upcoming election as a "chance to chart a new way forward. Not as members of any one party or faction, but as Americans."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Harris delivered the perfect acceptance speech by expressing her desire to unite the nation and to provide economic opportunity for everyone regardless of party. She presented herself as the sane, moderate candidate while also landing punches on Trump where he's most vulnerable. It looks like she's on the path to victory.

Republican narrative

Harris' speech was historically short and lacked any substantive policy talk. She spent most of her time providing a distorted view of her childhood and past jobs, in addition to lying about Trump's policies and actions. The speech was as big a letdown as the lack of a superstar appearance, which had been rumored over the course of the day.

Nerd narrative

There's a 55% chance that Harris will be elected US president in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Afghanistan: Taliban Bans Women From Speaking in Public

The Facts

  • Afghanistan's Taliban administration has enacted new legislation prohibiting women from showing their faces or having their voices heard in public.

  • The 35-article morality law — released by the Taliban's ministry for the propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice on Wednesday — has guidance covering aspects of daily life, including social interactions.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The rules are in accordance with Islamic Sharia law, which promotes good and forbids evil. The Taliban issues decrees and legal documents to regulate personal conduct with the sole intention of reforming society, preventing men and women from being corrupted, and aligning the character and behavior of Muslims with Islamic law. The West must stop undermining Afghan customs.

Pro-establishment narrative

This decree is the Taliban's latest attempt to erase women from public life. The draconian restrictions on freedoms and movements are intended to ensure that women have no public face and are excluded from the social, economic, and political map of the country. The international community can't remain silent about the systematic repression, intimidation, and violation of human rights in Afghanistan.

Nerd narrative

There's a 51% chance that Afghanistan will experience a civil war before 2036, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK Energy Prices to Jump 10% in October

The Facts

  • The UK's Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) announced that it has increased its cap on energy prices, and therefore, gas and electricity prices will jump 10% beginning in October.

  • Brits will pay an average £12 ($15) extra per month, bringing the average annual cost up from the current £1,568 ($2,071) to £1,717 ($2,268). Annual prices will reportedly still be £117 ($154) lower than October 2023, but roughly £500 ($660) more than before Russia invaded Ukraine.

The Spin

Conservative Party narrative

A 10% cap increase is far too high at a time when inflation was just going down and the winter fuel credit has been scrapped. This is likely Keir Starmer's attempt at priming citizens for their future under the Labour Party's wind and solar energy agenda, which will lead to rising costs from importing oil when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing.

Labour Party narrative

While immediate negative reactions to this policy are understandable, this price cap change is due to geopolitical and environmental factors that the government couldn't prevent. It's also important to note that energy prices in October will be far lower than last October, as Labour is doing everything it can to address the abysmal economy it inherited from the Conservatives.

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Study: Shroud of Turin Samples 'Consistent With the Tortures of Jesus Christ'

The Facts

  • Italian researchers who analyzed samples from the Shroud of Turin — linen cloth some believe to be the burial shroud of Jesus — said they found small blood particles showing signs of organ failure, trauma and other injuries, arguing this supported the notion that the crucifixion of Christ was a real historical event.

  • The study, published in July in the journal of Hematology Case Reports and Reviews by Giulio Fanti of the University of Padua, concluded that materials found in the cloth "are consistent with the tortures of Jesus Christ described in the Holy Bible."

The Spin

Narrative A

The scientific community has for years dismissed that the Shroud of Turin is the genuine article in which Jesus Christ was buried before his resurrection. However, these latest developments may just overturn that and contribute to the evidence that Jesus Christ was in fact a real human being.

Narrative B

While the new studies suggest that the Shroud of Turin could in fact be much older than previously thought, the scientists who carried out the research warned that a number of assumptions were necessary to reach their conclusions and that much more testing needs to be carried out to confirm the provenance of this alleged relic.

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RFK Jr. Suspends Campaign, Endorses Trump

The Facts

  • In a speech on Friday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent candidate for the 2024 US Presidential Election, announced that he's suspending his campaign and endorsing Republican candidate Donald Trump.

  • He said he would remove himself from the ballot in contentious battleground states, but that he would stay on the ballot in firmly "red" and "blue" states so his supporters in those areas can still vote for him without "harming or helping."

The Spin

Republican narrative

Unlike Joe Biden, who's portrayed as having stepped down when really he was forced out, Kennedy has sincerely sacrificed his political ambitions to serve a greater cause kicking the Democrats out of the White House. While it's not clear how this will affect the election, many of his supporters have said they'll vote for Trump if he drops out. Kennedy and Trump disagree on many things, but they agree on enough to join hands and defeat the warmongering Democrats.

Democratic narrative

Kennedy has just added to his long list of deranged political decisions. First and foremost, he believes he has enough supporters to help Trump, which is unlikely given his plummeting pole numbers and recent negative press. To make things worse, he followed the announcement by pushing conspiracies about the food industry causing mental health issues. With Kennedy's endorsement, Trump can lose this election with even more embarrassment.

Nerd narrative

There is a 47% chance that Donald Trump will win the 2024 presidential election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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