27 August 2024

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Canada Applies 100% Tariff to PRC-made Electric Vehicles

The Facts

  • Following the US and EU, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday that it will impose a 100% tax on Chinese-made electric vehicle (EV) imports. Canada plans to impose a 25% tariff on steel and aluminum from China.

  • The move follows allegations from Canada and Western nations that China is subsidizing its EV industry. China has criticized the action as "trade protectionism" that "violates World Trade Organization rules."

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Implementing harsh taxes on Chinese-made EV imports is the appropriate course of action since China will flood the country with artificially cheap EVs and undercut the domestic EV manufacturing industry, jeopardizing Canadian jobs. Matching US tariffs on Chinese imports, — including at least a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs — will protect billions of dollars in public money and foreign investments in Canada's auto manufacturing sector.

Pro-China narrative

Imposing high import tariffs on Chinese-made EVs is trade protectionism and violates World Trade Organization regulations. The tariff would hurt companies from both nations, Canadian consumers, and Canada's green transition and climate change mitigation. Canada should remedy this mistake since it would gravely damage the global trade system.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance the share of global light vehicles in 2025 will be at least 27.5% zero-emission vehicles, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Rising Sea Levels Pose Threat to All, Warns UN Chief

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Tuesday that while the Pacific islands may be the most vulnerable to climate change, "surging seas are coming for us all."

  • Issuing "an SOS on sea level rise," Guterres warned the annual Pacific Islands Forum leaders' summit in Tonga of an impending crisis on "an almost unimaginable scale."

The Spin

Narrative A

Human-induced global warming and the alarming rise in sea levels that it is causing threaten the very existence of Pacific island nations. The world's inaction on climate change has left Pacific islanders uniquely vulnerable, with 90% living near coasts now at risk of flooding and devastation. However, this crisis of entirely our own making will consume not just the Pacific, but ourselves.

Narrative B

Climate alarmists deliberately exaggerate threats to maintain funding and relevance. Despite historical data showing no significant increase in the frequency or intensity of such disasters. They continue to issue dire predictions, often linking them to human-caused climate change. Creating panic about rising sea levels and extreme weather events is an exercise in self-preservation, exploiting public fears to secure their futures.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that there will be a millimeter sea level rise in 2100, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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LDS Church Handbook Adds Restrictions on Transgender Members

The Facts

  • In the August 2024 update of their General Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has added new provisions that restrict the activities that transgender church members may take part in.

  • The guidance says that those who undertake "surgical, medical, or social transition" will be barred from participation in activities that include teaching, entering the priesthood, or working with children. The prohibition on baptism for individuals who have medically transitioned was also expanded.

The Spin

Narrative A

There are wide swaths of LGBTQ+ Mormons who want nothing more than to be accepted into the fold of the church they hold so dear. By grouping trans people with child abusers and fraudsters in terms of how they are categorized by church bureaucracy, the church is taking a step backward and stigmatizing transgender members. These regressive policies spread false stereotypes regarding trans people and expose them to ostracism.

Narrative B

These updated guidelines should merely reaffirm the God-given, Biblical understanding of sex and gender that devoted Mormons are expected to uphold. The church is free to enforce this standard on members while recognizing the inherent humanity and worth of all people, regardless of gender identity. These standards now ensure that churches treat trans issues in a consistent, compassionate, and godly way.

Nerd narrative

There is a 10% chance that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will allow same-sex marriage by 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Sudan: Dam Burst Kills Scores, Destroys 50K Homes

The Facts

  • According to Sudanese media, at least 60 people have been killed and more than 50K homes destroyed following the collapse of the Arbaat Dam in Sudan's northeast Red Sea State over the weekend.

  • Though search and rescue operations are underway, the UN said that the death toll was likely to be much higher as the dam burst damaged 50 villages and washed away a further 20 downstream. Between 150 and 200 people are reportedly missing.

The Spin

Narrative A

Sudan is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, grappling with extreme weather conditions — including heavier-than-usual rainfall, severe and intermittent torrential flooding, and devastating droughts — which have devastated the country's ecosystems and added to the worsening humanitarian crisis brought on by war. The international community must help the Sudanese people adapt to the climate change-induced challenges, particularly in water resources, health, coastal zones, and energy.

Narrative B

Bad, authoritarian leaders use the climate crisis as a scapegoat. It's not the country's daunting ecology but its civil war that has wrecked civilian infrastructure, battered its healthcare system, brought mass displacement, pushed millions into starvation, and caused widespread disease outbreaks. This dam collapsed because both warring parties routed their resources into the conflict instead of investing in its periodic maintenance. Sudan must return to normalcy, or such catastrophic incidents will become routine.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance that if a global catastrophe occurs, it will be due to either human-made climate change or geoengineering, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US Soldier Who Defected to NKorea Will Plead Guilty to Desertion

The Facts

  • Travis King, the US Army private who fled across the South Korean border into North Korea last year, is expected to plead guilty to five charges, including desertion and assaulting an officer, according to the soldier's attorney, Franklin D. Rosenblatt.

  • As part of the plea deal, nine other charges will be dropped, including possession of child pornography, which was connected to allegations that he tried to solicit such material over the social media app Snapchat.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

King was facing a long list of serious charges that could have resulted in a far more severe punishment. However, due to the stress he was under at the time of his crimes, most likely due to the death of of his cousin, King deserves this plea agreement given the mental stress. Both the Army and the King family are equally grateful to bring this ordeal to a close.

Establishment-critical narrative

We shouldn't allow the military to control the narrative of this quite suspect story. Whatever King was running from, whether it be racism or some sort of intelligence operation, the types of accusations against him should set alarm bells off. The government has been known to plant compromising material on people's devices when it wants to silence them, so the full context of this story should be fully investigated.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1% chance that the United States will institute a military draft by 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Smith Appeals Dismissal of Trump Classified Docs Case

The Facts

  • Special counsel Jack Smith filed an appellate brief with the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit on Monday, accusing Judge Aileen Cannon of mistakenly dismissing former Pres. Donald Trump's classified documents case last month.

  • Cannon dismissed the case accusing Trump of mishandling classified documents after his presidency by ruling Smith's appointment was unconstitutional because it violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

By every interpretation of the law — regardless of what Thomas may have written as part of a totally unrelated case — Smith should prevail in his appeal. Cannon can't value Thomas' opinion over 50 years of precedent. Although Smith didn't request that Cannon be removed from this case, there's a chance the appeals court will look at her numerous questionable rulings and decide to make a change.

Republican narrative

Cannon's ruling was constitutionally sound based on the separation of powers and the powers that were granted to Congress in terms of appointments. This appeal is just continuing to divide a nation that's had to deal with too many politically motivated criminal cases brought by the Biden administration's Justice Department. All other cases against Trump should be similarly dropped.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the federal criminal trial of Trump related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents will start after Jan. 1, 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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France: Macron Rules Out Left-Wing Government

The Facts

  • French Pres. Emmanuel Macron announced Monday his refusal to appoint as prime minister Lucie Castets from the leftist New Popular Front (NFP) coalition, which has about a third of the seats in the National Assembly.

  • This comes as the leaders of the right-wing National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, warned Macron that a vote of no confidence would be put forward if he installed a leftist government.

The Spin

Narrative A

The leftist bloc may have agreed on Castets as its candidate for prime minister, but Macron has a constitutional duty to ensure the stability of the country. If he were to appoint Castets, all the other groups would form a majority to vote a motion of no-confidence against her government — and that's definitely not what institutional stability looks like.

Left narrative

Macron and his centrist allies are still in denial, but that doesn't change the fact that the French people have given a clear mandate to the NFP. Therefore, Macron's moves to deny the largest alliance its chance to form a new government and instead retain power through covert plots indicate his undemocratic disregard for the popular vote.

Right narrative

Macron is playing the most-voted party, National Rally, and the largest group, the NFP, for fools in a desperate power grab after his camp suffered a massive defeat in legislative elections. As he does this, he also denies democracy and undermines the republic's institutions and the sovereignty of the people.

Nerd narrative

There's a 38% chance that Macron will call another snap legislative election before Jan. 1, 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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AI 'Brain Clock' Appears to Solve 'Brain-Age Gap'

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) to study the brain's functional connectivity — how well different parts of the brain interact with each other — and how it deteriorates more in certain regions of the world.

  • The study, which analyzed data from seven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and eight from other parts of the world, found that brains deteriorate, or age faster, in women, Latin America, and countries with higher inequality.

The Spin

Narrative A

Not only is AI the future of brain medicine, but it has already been used successfully. For example, scientists have been able to detect Alzheimer's up to seven years earlier than usual thanks to AI's inhumanly rapid analyses of patient health records. When you combine that research with emerging research in the environmental and social fields, this technology has the potential to identify every possible cause of premature brain aging.

Narrative B

Even as more studies prove AI's effectiveness in healthcare, there remains the issue of underutilization. Reasons for this include budgeting, low investments, and lack of technical training for healthcare staff. Doctors may also fear using AI due to potential legal consequences should it harm their patients. Hospitals, investors, and regulators should work to solve these issues so the industry has the necessary knowledge, funding, and freedom to expand AI's use in healthcare.

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Zuckerberg: White House Pressured Facebook Over COVID Info

The Facts

  • In a letter to US Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) made public Tuesday but dated Aug. 26, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg claimed that Biden administration officials "repeatedly pressured" Facebook to take down "certain COVID-19 content" over the course of several months in 2021.

  • Zuckerberg expressed regret that his company wasn't more "outspoken" about the alleged pressure and wrote that Meta "made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information," it wouldn't make now or in the future.

The Spin

Right narrative

This is a victory for free speech in the US and around the world. By standing up to government pressure, Zuckerberg is committing to allowing a free flow of ideas on his platforms, regardless of what side of the political spectrum those ideas come from. No government has the right to censor information it doesn't like.

Left narrative

Meta knows how dangerous the misinformation it removed from its platform was, especially at the height of the pandemic. The Supreme Court has confirmed the administration's right to continue working with social media platforms, and Zuckerberg should take that as a responsibility his company has to protect the public.

Nerd narrative

There's a 72% chance that Meta will claim that there was AI-driven "coordinated inauthentic behavior" to influence the 2024 US presidential election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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