Cornel West

Cornel West

Cornel West is an American philosopher, theologian, political activist, social critic, actor, and public intellectual. He has held positions at Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth and is currently running for the US presidency as an independent candidate.

Claims from Cornel West

Cornel West
Cornel West"We advocate for unfettered access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare."Aug 26, 2024
Cornel West
Cornel West"We need a national gun registry, mirroring the rigor of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act for hazardous materials."Sep 10, 2024
Cornel West
Cornel West"[N]o document... is as sacred as precious lives and the need to preserve them through common sense [gun] laws."Sep 10, 2024
Cornel West
Cornel West"The Cornel West for President campaign for immigration justice is a call to action—a call to embrace our common humanity to extend our hands in solidarity with those who seek to share in our nation's promise."Aug 26, 2024

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