In a State With School Vouchers For All, Low-Income Families Aren’t Choosing to Use ThemProPublica18 hrs
‘Where we are today in biology AI is similar to GPT in 2020’: An interview with the CEO of Africa’s biggest AI startupTechCrunch7 hrs
Donald Trump makes horrific remark about Kamala Harris during wild rant at billionaires' fundraiserDaily Mail2 hrs
Nietzsche Said You're a 'Hero' If You Crush a Cockroach, 'Villain' If You Crush a Butterfly?Snopes14 hrs
How AI is changing business at telecom giants, according to Nvidia and Verizon execsBusiness Insider9 hrs
Salt Typhoon Hack Shows There's No Security Backdoor That's Only For The "Good Guys"Electronic Frontier Foundation13 hrs