Tenn. Passes Bill Allowing Teachers to Carry Guns

Image copyright: Jon Cherry/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images (Aug. 2023)

The Facts

  • By a vote of 68-28 Tuesday, a bill that will allow some trained teachers and school staff to carry handguns was passed by the Republican-majority Tennessee House while dozens of protesters voiced their displeasure and had to be cleared from the chamber's galleries.

  • The bill, which passed despite the defection of four Republican lawmakers who joined with Democrats to vote against it, will become law if Republican Gov. Bill Lee signs it or allows it to become law without his signature. He has never vetoed a bill.

  • Under this bill, workers who wish to carry a handgun would need a permit and written permission from the school's principal and local law enforcement officials — but disclosing to others who are carrying a gun would be forbidden.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Republicans have passed this dangerous bill despite polling showing most US teachers think more guns in schools will make their workplaces less safe. In the wake of The Convenant School tragedy, Tenessee residents were looking for legislation to make kids safer, not a law that would increase firearms in schools. If this leads to yet another tragedy, Republicans will have blood on their hands.

Republican narrative

This bill will make kids in school safer, and Democrats and other opponents are misrepresenting the reforms being made. Law enforcement officers and private security guards are already allowed to carry guns in schools, so this bill expands who can be armed. At the same time, the additional armed personnel will be trained and have their backgrounds checked — meaning there will be more good guys with guns if a bad guy with a gun enters a school.

Metaculus Prediction

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