Ariz. Agrees to Remove 'Shipping Container Border Wall'

Image copyright: Reuters [via CNN]

The Facts

  • Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey reached a settlement with the US Dept. of Justice to stop the construction of a border wall made from shipping containers on national forest lands according to court documents filed with the US District Court of Phoenix.

  • Ariz. also consented to remove all previously-installed containers and associated equipment, materials, and vehicles along parts of the US-Mexico border without damaging natural resources, lands, and properties by Jan. 4, 2023.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Outgoing Gov. Ducey's costly and ineffective farewell political stunt on migrants has finally come to an end after the federal government and local protesters have exerted pressure to stop the construction. Millions of taxpayers' dollars have been wasted on a grotesque, environmentally disastrous shipping container wall in an area where human migration hardly exists.

Republican narrative

Arizona's shipping container border wall has always been a temporary solution to the mounting southern border crisis, which has been neglected by the Biden administration. The crisis exploded after Biden made an empty promise to fill gaps in the border over a year ago. Biden's response is too little, too late.

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