Biden Rebukes Trump over Constitution 'Termination' Comments

Image copyright: The New York Times

The Facts

  • The White House has rebuked former Pres. Donald Trump after he apparently suggested "terminating" the US constitution in order to declare himself the rightful winner of the 2020 presidential election.

  • Calling the constitution a "sacrosanct document," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said: "Attacking the constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation... You cannot only love America when you win."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Donald Trump's continual election denialism, reluctance to drop fringe conspiracy theories, and absurd demand to terminate the constitution, should be a wake-up call for Republicans — a group who call themselves "constitutional conservatives." Clearly Trump isn't the right person to lead their party in 2024, as the election winner will take the oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the US constitution.

Republican narrative

Too much focus on the controversial antics of the former president means the media are failing to report on key GOP priorities, such as working towards a Republican majority and protecting the interests of the American people. Trump has no power to suspend the constitution and is only one of a broad range of candidates likely to run in the primaries, so there's no need to pay too much attention to these, as yet, inconsequential comments.

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