High Court to Weigh Limiting EPA Efforts on Climate Change

Image copyright: Getty Images [via Fox News]

The Facts

  • The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday in a case brought by 19 mostly Republican-led states and coal companies against the EPA.

  • The move aims to preemptively limit the EPA's capacity to regulate emissions in the power sector, since the Biden administration has not yet devised a plan to shift energy production away from coal-burning plants.

The Spin

Left narrative

The market-driven closure of hundreds of coal plants has already achieved the aims of Obama's Clean Power Plan and the Biden administration has no intention to go forward with it. This appeal is nothing more than an attempt to hobble Biden's climate change policies and risks weakening regulatory efforts in a vast range of sectors - it should be dismissed.

Right narrative

The EPA wants to force the power industry to reorganize the entire energy grid, which will cost billions of dollars. The court must bring legislative and regulatory powers back to Congress and the states, or it risks allowing the EPA to continue with consolidated powers so vast James Madison may well have recognized it as tyrannous.

Narrative C

Renewables and fossil fuel reductions are important, but the world isn't ready yet. Nations are trying to pivot to green energy, but weather and COVID surged demand and fossil fuels must now make up for what renewables can't deliver. We are necessarily still reliant on non-renewable forms of energy.

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