Judge Rules California’s Corporate Diversity Law Unconstitutional

Image copyright: AP [via Fox News]

The Facts

  • A California judge has ruled that the state's landmark law mandating diversity on corporate boards is unconstitutional.

  • The measure, which was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020, mandated that publicly-traded companies with executive offices based in the state had to appoint board members from an "underrepresented community," including LGBTQ+, Black, Latino, Asian, Native American or Pacific Islander.

The Spin

Conservative narrative

Newsom's law was a blatant attack on that most basic of American values - the constitutional right of equal protection under the law. This is a victory for anti-discrimination.

Progressive narrative

The measure was a way for CA to "walk the walk" on diversity. It was designed to improve corporate responsibility by allowing the benefits of diverse perspectives to improve business practices and culture. This is a blow for underrepresented groups.

Republican narrative

Newsom is a naive progressive populist who's bowed to the pressures of the woke radical left, which continues to attack the very foundations of our civilization.

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