Canada, 5 European Countries Join Myanmar Genocide Case

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    The Facts

    • Five European countries — Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK — and Canada have filed a joint declaration of intervention with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) concerning proceedings accusing Myanmar of genocide toward its Rohingya community.

    • A case against Myanmar was brought to the ICJ in 2019 by The Gambia after a UN fact-finding mission concluded that a 2017 campaign by Myanmar's military — which saw over 700K Rohingya flee to Bangladesh — included "genocidal acts."

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Myanmar's so-called military operation in 2017 resulted in abuses of minorities, genocide, and crimes against humanity. Rohingyas continue to face persecution to this day, and Myanmar's junta has so far not been held accountable for its actions. The international community must do more to protect Rohingyas and other ethnic minorities from oppression.

    Narrative B

    The actions of those who engage in conflict, claiming to seek peace, often only cause harm to innocent lives. Both the rebel factions and their global backers should focus on diplomatic solutions with the military government rather than making outlandish accusations and propping up this unnecessary war.

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