Chinese Police Question Bain & Co. Staff

Image copyright: Getty Images [via BBC]

The Facts

  • On Thursday, US consultancy firm Bain & Company confirmed that Chinese police visited its office in Shanghai, which has been open in the city's central business district since 2004, and questioned staff.

  • The Boston-based company declined to comment beyond saying it was cooperating with authorities, though the Financial Times has reported that police took away computers and phones.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

As Beijing grows increasingly aggressive toward the US and its regional allies like Taiwan, it's important for American businesses to follow the government's lead in diversifying away from China and into safe markets. China is trying to use industry, particularly technology and chip manufacturing, to rival Western economies and militaries, which is why a joint public-private operation to deter Chinese expansion is more important than ever.

Pro-China narrative

Solely out of its superficial fear of losing its role as the only global superpower, the US has worked to antagonize China and persuade its Western allies to cut their economic ties as well. Since Washington has chosen to threaten the economic and national security of China, it's only right for Beijing to focus on building the strongest defense it can. The government has a duty to ensure US businesses and its military are not attempting to injure the interests of the Chinese people.

Metaculus Prediction

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