Gaza's Largest Hospital Shuts Down, Calls for Cease-fire Grow

    Image copyright: Guy Smallman/Getty Images News [via Getty Images]

    The Facts

    • Following five weeks of a near-total blockade of the Gaza Strip, the territory's largest hospital said it was forced to suspend operations after it ran out of fuel on Saturday, according to a Gaza health ministry spokesman, who said that one of 45 babies in incubators inside the Al-Shifa hospital had died.

    • It comes as Israeli ground forces had reportedly surrounded the hospital on Saturday morning, with gun fire reported on the grounds of the compound. A day earlier, Israel was accused of bombing the hospital, killing at least 13 people and injuring several others. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), however, claim that the strike was Palestinian rocket fire aimed at its troops.

    The Spin

    Pro-Israel narrative

    Israel has presented evidence that terrorists from Hamas have placed their headquarters underneath the Al-Shifa hospital, specifically with the aim of using the civilians at the facility as human shields. After Hamas' heinous attack on Israel, the country has the right to ensure its security.

    Anti-Israel narrative

    Even if Israel's claims are true, it has an overriding obligation under international humanitarian law to prevent unnecessary harm to civilians, as well as ensuring that the principles of distinction, precautions in attack, and proportionality are respected. There are serious concerns that Israel's attacks are breaching international law.

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