Georgia Upholds Six-Week Abortion Law

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The Facts

  • The Georgia Supreme Court upheld the state's six-week abortion ban after voting 6-1 on Tuesday to send the case back to Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney, who ruled the law “unequivocally unconstitutional” in November.

  • The law, which remained in effect while the state Supreme Court considered the challenge to it, was signed in 2019 and took effect after SCOTUS overturned the national right to abortion established by Roe v. Wade in 2022.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This ruling isn’t surprising because so many Republican-led states have been removing women's autonomy over their own bodies since the reversal of Roe. Abortion access is withering away in Georgia, and similar bans in neighboring states are making it impossible to travel for crucial health care. Advocates have to keep faith, though, that the courts will eventually do the right thing to end these harmful bans.

Republican narrative

This pro-life law aligns with the pro-life protections most states have in their constitutions for unborn children after their heartbeats can be detected. Roe never should’ve been interpreted as a national right to abortion, and the will of Georgia’s voters is finally being exercised to protect the unborn and their mothers, despite Democrats' challenges to these types of laws.

Metaculus Prediction

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