House GOP Releases Short-Term Budget Bill

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The Facts

  • Over the weekend, the House GOP revealed details of a short-term government funding bill to avoid a government shutdown while cutting funding by 8% to domestic agencies, except for Veteran Affairs and the Pentagon.

  • The legislation, which would fund the government through Oct. 31, also includes restrictions on immigration and the US border with Mexico. However, the measure lacks the funding the Biden administration requested for Ukraine.

The Spin

Republican narrative

It should be the goal of every Republican and every conservative to reduce government spending, increase border security, and eliminate woke from government policies. This bill does it all. If the Senate, led by Democrats, doesn’t agree with the provisions in this bill, it will prove they’re out of touch and infatuated with woke, government spending to understand what’s best for the country.

Democratic narrative

First, a major faction of the GOP held vital Pentagon funding hostage in an attempt to get more spending cuts to unrelated programs. Now they’re using a government shutdown as a threat, and their only stopgap solution reinstates Trump-era border restrictions, makes steep cuts, and ignores the president’s request for Ukraine aid. This is a bad-faith tactic by extreme conservatives to avoid blame for a shutdown if it occurs.

Metaculus Prediction

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