Panama: Record Number of Migrants Cross Treacherous Darien Gap

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The Facts

  • Panamanian authorities on Monday announced that nearly 250K people have crossed the treacherous Darien Gap — a dense jungle area separating South and Central America — in the first seven months of 2023.

  • This record-breaking figure has surpassed the unprecedented number of crossings seen in the entirety of 2022, when 248,284 people hiked the 60-kilometer passage, used as a route to reach Canada and the US.

The Spin

Left narrative

Pres. Biden's Latin American outreach aimed at preventing dangerous journeys to the southern border has been an utter failure, as America continues to shrug off its obligations under international law. Millions of migrants are ineligible for consideration under "humane" justifications due to prohibitive expense — this must change and the US must get serious about treating migrants with dignity.

Right narrative

As long as the US has a lax policy towards illegal immigration, more and more migrants will risk their lives to reach the border. The only solution to this crisis resides in Latin America, as millions upon millions of migrants are fleeing despotic authoritarian regimes. The US needs to work with immigration partners in Latin America to avoid inducing more illegal immigration.

Metaculus Prediction

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